Chooch Bambalazi (4)

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A/N - Wow I haven't updated this book in forever! Additionally, it's almost finished because Wattpad only lets you post 200 chapters and this is currently chapter 145! Thank you for all the love even though I'm not always active <3

[Play the song when you see it for a better experience reading!]


It was that time of year again.

My school, Mildred S. Butch Academy was heading over to Sheldon R. Weinberg Academy for the big dance. Our bus was cramped with excited girls like myself as we sat staring out of the vaguely foggy windows in our neatly ironed scarlet red uniform. It had been months since the last time we had seen the boys.

Little did the others know, I had been secretly keeping in touch with one via letters and sneaking out.

I couldn't wait to see Chooch again. I felt jittery but in a good way.

After a trip full of gossip and enthusiastic chatter, we finally arrived. One by one in an orderly line, we piled out of the school bus leaving only one teacher and the guard dogs behind. "Remember ladies, no fraternizing with the boys," we were strictly told. "Yes Mrs Frey," we all replied in a chorused unison. 

She was a wise woman, but not wise enough to realize we were fibbing.

Candy approached me. "It's so easy to pull the wool over here eyes with that tacky eyeshadow," she whispered in my ear. "I'd maybe feel bad for her if she wasn't so mean," I giggled. Then, we were finally taken inside to the auditorium. It was renovated with decorations that looked like they belonged in my grandparent's attic and the boys themselves seemed far from impressed.

Well, that was until they spotted us and their faces lit up with joy.

Candy waved to me before waltzing over to her boyfriend Oliver. I peered around for Chooch but I couldn't see him which made me feel down. I opted to grab a drink from the food table but before I could make it, a pair of hands engulfed my eyes. 

"Guess who"

I smiled, recognizing that familiar voice instantly. 

"I thought you weren't here," I turned around to become face to face with Chooch, gosh he looked as handsome as ever. "I was looking for Y/n, I'm glad you could make it," his smile melted my heart. 

Then he held out his hand.

"May I have this dance?"

"You may,"

Together we huddled on the dance floor, his hands rested on my waist as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. The eye contact was ethereal. We grooved our bodies along to the beat, even singing along. Everyone was clearly having a blast.

When the song came to an end, Chooch pulled me carefully through the crowd and outside to a wooden bench. "I can't get over how great you look tonight," he complimented me. I blushed. "So do you," I replied. He grinned.

"You know, I've been thinking," he said.

"About what?"

"About us. I think I want to spend the rest of my life with you,"

I giggled.

"You're not proposing are you?" I joked.

"Well..." He hesitated "Not yet."

I froze in my spot.

"Chooch, what are you saying?"

He held my hands in his. "I'm saying I want you to be my girlfriend. These past months have been great with you but I seriously think we can have a future together when we finally leave these prisons."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I wasn't one to think so far into the future but at that moment, there with him, it felt right. I'd never been in love before but maybe it was time for that to change.

"Okay, I'll be yours," I smiled.

"You mean it, baby?" His eyes lit up.

"Of course I do."

Chooch leaned in and pressed our lips together. It was electrifying. Even when we pulled apart, slightly breathless, I could still feel his touch lingering on me. "I can't wait to wake up to you every morning," he said as he relaxed, draping his arm around me and staring up at the sky.

"It's just me and you."

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