memory loss (2)

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A/n - Requested <3 // You lost your memory (read part 1) and ask Ralph what a break-up is


Ralph's pov:

The hours pass by and my anxiety kicks in. Y/n still isn't home from her doctor's appointment and I'm worried. I mentally scold myself for not going with her, she told me that she was capable but it's my job to protect her. I'm mid-way pulling my jacket on when I hear the front door open and close followed by light footsteps.

"I'm home, Ralph."

The tension in my body lessens as I see her standing there with a smile on her face. "Oh thank goodness" I rush over and scoop her up into my arms as she giggles. I like holding her. Even as I take a seat on the couch I still don't let her out of my grip but she doesn't seem to mind since she snuggles into me, her hands clench onto my shirt.

"Well," I clear my throat "What did the doctor say?"

"He says I'm progressing every day. It will take me months to fully heal but he's proud of how far I've come," she says slowly. I smile. "I'm even prouder of you than he is" I place a kiss on her forehead. Y/n settles into me, it's been a long day. We stay huddled together in a comfortable silence until I hear her mumbling to herself.

Lifting her chin, I peer curiously at her. "What's wrong baby?" I notice she appears a little startled. "I have a sister, do you know that?" She replies. I nod. "My sister is sad I think. Her boyfriend..." Her words trail as she tries to recall a memory "Broke- broke up with her. Ralph, what does that mean?"

To tell her or not to tell her?

Boy, do I wish Y/n never asked me that question. I don't want to answer her by putting that negativity into her delicate mind. As I stare into her soft eyes, I realize I have to tell her the truth. It pains me, but reluctantly I answer "A break-up is when two people in love end their relationship" in the nicest way possible.

I know it's more than that, people break up for many different reasons, whether it's one-sided or not. Either way, I'm not going to overload her. She seems to understand what I'm saying so far. "So...He doesn't love her anymore?" Her voice is oddly quiet. I slowly nod. I remember how often her sister cried, she was devastated. We did our best to console her. She's okay now.

Y/n's lip trembles and she looks like she might cry, although thankfully she doesn't. "Oh Ralph, I never want that to happen to us. That sounds horrible," she whispers. I gently push her hair back out of her face and kiss her. She sinks in. I'd be a fool to ever let her go.

I pull back and tell her "It'll never happen to us. Mark my words."

She smiles. "I love you."

I kiss her once more. "I love you too."

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