Daniel LaRusso x Eddie Pilikian

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A/N - Requested! I have more requests still to come ♡ Imagine: Your boyfriend has broken up with you so Daniel and Eddie come over to cheer you up :)


It had been three days since your boyfriend had dumped you over the phone. You felt hurt, betrayed and lonely so you withdrew yourself away from society. Even your family couldn't get you to come out from the darkness of your room. When Saturday came around, you were home alone crying into your pillow like a wallowing mess.

The doorbell rang from below catching your attention. It forced you to get up and go downstairs and to your surprise, you were met with the faces of Daniel and Eddie. "Hey guys...What're you doing here?" You sniffled, trying to hide your tears from them. "We heard about what happened with he who shall not be named. That jerk" Eddie said. It made you giggle. "We're sorry, can we come in?" Daniel asked.

You nodded and they followed you upstairs to your room. "Don't mind the mess" you mumbled, slightly embarrassed. The boys didn't mind at all, in fact, they started to clean up for you as you sat on the bed. "So, we got some goodies with us. I opted to choose a girly film for you but Ed insisted on a horror" Daniel said as he dipped his hand into his bag. 

He pulled out lots of candy along with a selection of VHS tapes. "Romance movies are for lames" Eddie rolled his eyes as he took a seat next to you. "I'll never find love" you whined, laying your head on Eddie's shoulder. "Cmon Y/n you will! Your ex is a trash bag" Daniel snorted. He came over to you, running his hands through your hair. "How about we give you a makeover?" He offered.

"A makeover?" You puzzled.

Their faces lit up. "We'll do a good job" Eddie grinned. You were hesitant but they begged so you finally gave in. Eddie put on a cheesy rom-com for you to watch as Daniel combed out your hair, making sure not to be too rough. "What are you doing?" You asked as Eddie grabbed your makeup bag. "I'm gonna make you look like a model" he replied confidently.

You could tell by the way he stared at the products he had no idea what to do so you guided him with a giggle. It was the first time you had smiled in days as you appreciated the help of your friends. Daniel and Eddie tried their hardest to glam you up, lifting your spirits. "I think I did an amazing job" Eddie smirked as he passed over a small mirror.

You took a look at yourself and your confidence raised. "Not that you need makeup Y/n. You're pretty but we also know you like to be glammed up" Daniel smiled. You pulled the boys in for a tight hug, your heads squished together. "I can't thank you enough" you breathed out. Daniel went to reply when there was a knock from downstairs.

Curious, the three of you headed to the front door to be met with the heated gaze of your ex-boyfriend. "No no, you need to leave," Daniel said, his arm around your shoulders protectively. "Or what? A punk like you won't do anything. Besides, I want her back" your ex looked at you. For a moment, you felt sad again. Memories of your relationship flooded back but you didn't allow the tears to fall.

"You know what? No. You hurt me and I deserve better" your newfound confidence sparked through as you put him in his place. Your ex frowned, clearly not liking being told no. He tried to pull you towards him when Eddie suddenly swung a mean punch at his face. Your ex cried out, stumbled back a few steps as blood started pouring from his nose.

"Get outta here man!" Eddie scolded him. With a last glare, your ex stormed away from the house muttering under his breath. The three of you exchanged glances before bursting out into laughter. "Not bad Pilikian" Daniel grinned, impressed by the punch. "What can I say? I'm a real man" Eddie said cockily. 

You laughed, heading back upstairs into your room. "How about that horror movie?" You asked, feeling brave. Eddie and Daniel looked at each other excitedly "Hell yeah!" They said in unison. You climbed into bed and the boys snuggled into you and from then, you knew things could only get better.

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