Hubbie Darling (4)

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"You've got a week," my professor tells me. 

"A week?! I don't even have a song prepared" I reply. "I'm sure you'll think of something," he says.  I sigh and grab my saxophone case before exiting class. I'm in my senior year and have to perform a 30's song for my final music piece but I have no idea what I'm going to do. I leave the school building and start making my way home, deciding to use a shortcut through the cemetery. 

It's peaceful, the leaves rustle in the wind and the birds hum from the trees. With my mind clouded with thoughts, it's giving me time to think about what song I'd like to perform. I'm so in my head I don't even realise I'm being watched.

"Good afternoon missy,"

I turn my head and spot a young man leaning against a headstone. He's dressed in a beige suit and matching hat, a saxophone hanging from around his neck. "Oh hello," I reply politely. "You look like you've got something on your mind," he says and I give a small smile "I guess you could say that."

He holds out his hand. 

"Hubbie Darling, at your service,"

I shake his hand, his grip is warm and soft.

"I'm Y/n," I introduce. 

"Well Y/n, may I be of any assistance?" Hubbie asks. I consider it for a moment before giving in. "I have a week to think of and learn a 30's song for my music class. If I don't pass, I won't graduate senior year," I explain, he listens patiently. "Back in my day, I had the same problem. I have a suggestion if you're interested," says Hubbie. 

I nod "Yes please."

"You should perform Sophisticated Lady that I wrote in 1933. I'd be most honoured if you did. Here, I'll play it for ya," he tells me. Before I can even question what he means, the song starts.

(A/N - pretend the song is Hubbie's <3)

As I listen, I'm in awe by how beautifully Hubbie Darling plays. He's a born natural and I feel like I'm being transported to another world. It's perfect. As he simmers down to an end, I applaud his talent. 

"Oh Hubbie, please teach me! You'll be doing me a favour," I plead. With no hesitation, Hubbie smiles and agrees to help me. Over the next week, we spend time in the cemetery together as I learn to play. He's a good teacher and an even better sax player as our friendship blossoms.


A week later

"Wow..." I hear my professor mumble as I lower my sax. My heart is pounding as I wait nervously for my results. All eyes are on me and I'm feeling the pressure. "Bravo Y/n! That was wonderfully performed and may I add, what a perfect song choice. You've really outdone yourself," the class erupts into cheers and I feel like I'm on top of the world with my newfound A grade.

I have to sit through a couple of more performances before I can finally leave the school building and head towards the cemetery. "Hubbie? Are you here? I did it!" I call out excitedly. After a minute or so, he appears. "I knew you could do it," he scoops me up into a tight hug. In his arms I feel safe and secure, a feeling I don't ever want to lose.

"Thank you for everything! Let's go out for dinner somewhere" I suggest in good spirits but Hubbie looks sad. "I'm sorry Y/n, but I have to leave," I'm told. "That's okay, maybe we can try again tomorrow?" I reply but he shakes his head.

"I have to pass on, don't you see Y/n? I don't exist anymore,"

I stare deeply at the man before me. I notice he looks unusual, paler. Almost...Ghostlike.

"But Hubbie you can't be dead! Dead people don't come back from beyond the grave," I can't wrap my head around it. I think back to when Hubbie mentioned he wrote his song 1933 and the reality sets in that we're from totally different decades. "Oh..."

"I couldn't pass on until the one thing I ever dreamed of came true. I died before I could share my music with the world but with your help Y/n, you've made me happier than ever. It's time for me to pass on, let my soul rest for eternity," Hubbie caresses my cheek softly. 

"What if I don't want you to go?" A few tears escape. In the short time I've known him, I feel like there's a connection between us. "I'll always be watching over you. We'll meet again someday, I promise," he whispers. Gently he lifts my face, wipes my eyes with his suit sleeve and leaves one simple kiss on my lips but even that one small act of intimacy has put me in a trance.

"I'll never forget you, Hubbie Darling," 

"I'll never forget you, Miss Y/n,"

I hold onto him for as long as I can before Hubbie lets go. His kiss lingers on my lips, his melodic voice echoes in my head. Before I can even process it, Hubbie Darling disappears. All that's left of him is the saxophone that lay against the same headstone. With shaky hands, I pick it up and notice our initials together on the brass material. I smile to myself, knowing somehow and somewhere, my Hubbie Darling will always be with me.

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