vampire Ralph (6)

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A/N - Imagine: You were attacked late one night and as you slowly die, you're rescued by a vampire and transformed which saves you ♡



I feel nothing but pain as I slowly bleed out in the alley. 

I'm too young to die but here I am, struggling to hold on.

I was walking home when a woman approached me and tried to rob me, we got into a fight and then out of nowhere she stabbed me before leaving me in the alley and running off with my bag.

The world is sluggishly slow, I can feel I'm starting to take my last breaths.

Then, I feel a pair of hands wrap around my body, my eyes meet with a pair of brown ones.

"Stay with me Y/n" the soft voice says.

I stare blankly, how does this stranger know my name? 

I'm about to let myself go when I feel a sharp pierce in my neck, I whimper.

The stranger moves into the light, I see his face properly.

He's beautiful...And then I notice his fangs dripping with my blood.

'Vampire?' I think to myself, this can't be real.

My eyes close as I lay there in his embrace. 

I should've been dead by now but instead my body tingles all over, I feel my blood almost freeze over.

I feel like I'm in a trance, the transformation is indescribable.

After what feels like an eternity, I open my eyes and see I'm no longer in the alley.

Sitting up, I'm in a room. Someone's bedroom to be precise.

"Take it easy, you need time to adjust to your new form" the same voice calls out.

I look over and see the boy sitting in a chair near the end of the bed.

"Who are you, how do you know my name?" I address him.

He looks at me with a smile.

"The names Ralph, I've been watching you for a while now" he replies.

I sit there in disbelief, I'm confused and my head hurts.

"Look in the mirror" Ralph says to me with a vixenish grin.

I stand up slowly and walk over to the mirror, my speed is faster than usual.

My skin is cold and pale, my eyes are red and when I smile, I see fangs.

"I can't be a vampire! I want to grow up, how the heck am I supposed to live. Wait, I'm gonna have to drink blood?!" I start freaking out and rambling.

Ralph simply chuckles and approaches me.

"I wanna be human, not vampire. I mean thanks for saving me but still-" I continue to ramble when he suddenly slams his lips on mine.

It shuts me up immediately and we begin to kiss, it's hungry and needy.

His arms grip me in a strong stance, I feel safe and comforted somehow.

When we pull apart, he brushes my hair back and rests his forehead on mine.

"I'll look after you forever" he says softly.

I smile, maybe being a vampire won't be so bad.

Ralph Macchio imagines ♡Where stories live. Discover now