Eddie Pilikian

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I'm sitting in class when Eddie approaches me.

"You're in my seat, move," he says rudely.

"But I was here first-" I protest.

He leans down close to my ear.

"Don't make me move you myself" he whispers.

It sends shivers down my spine.

I collect my books and move to the seat in front.

All throughout class, Eddie distracts everyone.

He kicks the back of my chair.

"Stop!" I say, turning around to him.

He sticks his tongue out at me, I've had enough.

Quickly, I stuff my books in my bag and storm out, I head to the back of school.

I sit on the wall and take deep breaths to calm myself.

With closed eyes, I don't notice Eddie sneaking up to me. 

"BOO" he shouts.

"Ah!" I scream and fall off the wall.

He catches me in his arms, he doesn't let go of me.

"Why did you leave Y/n?" He asks curiously.

"Leave me alone" I snap at him.

He suddenly grabs my face and smashes his lips onto mine.

The kiss is hot and fiery, he slips his tongue in which earns a moan from me.

Eddie smirks when we pull apart.

"I knew you liked me" he teases.

"Shut up, I don't" I lie, my cheeks are blushing.

"Hmm so you don't wanna go on a date with me? Okay" he says mockingly.

"No! Please I do" I gasp.

Eddie places me down and looks at me deeply, he pushes a strand of hair behind my ear,

"Good, because I want you" he says, his voice drips like honey.

I smile, maybe the troubled kid from class isn't so bad after all.

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