Hubbie Darling (3)

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A/N - Imagine: You're at a coffee shop when you catch the attention of Hubbie ♡


I'm reading my favourite book, taking occasional sips of my cappuccino.

Looking up for just a second, I notice a gentleman nearby staring at me.

Our eyes lock for a few minutes before I hide behind my book again, my cheeks blushing a little.

A moment later, I hear the most soothing voice speak up.

"Well hello there."

I put my book down to see the gentleman sitting opposite me at the table.

"Hello sir" I greet.

He's a very good looking man, wearing a cream suit and a brown hat.

"I must say, you're beautiful" he compliments.

"Why thank you, so are you" I blush.

"What's your name sweetheart?" He asks.

"Y/n Y/l/n" I answer.

"I'm Hubbie Darling" he introduces, holding out his hand.

I shake it warmly, his grip is soft but firm.

"That's a lovely name" I smile.

He smiles back and I realize we're still holding hands.

"I see you're reading my favourite book" his smile turns to a smirk.

"Great minds think alike" I grin.

We continue to flirt back and forth, he's smooth with it.

"What's a gentleman like you doing here without a wife?" I ask curiously.

"Just searching" he answers.

"Searching for what?" I press.

"For a wife like you," Hubbie says with a flirtatious wink.

I'm almost taken aback by his sleekness.

"You'd have to get to know me first sir" I simper.

"Well then, how about I take you on a date to the jazz club?" He proposes.

"What if I don't like jazz?" I sass him.

"Then you would've said no. Tomorrow, at 8 pm?" He replies with his cheeky smirk.

"I'll see you then" I beam.

Hubbie passes along an empty piece of paper, I write down my address for him.

He takes it gratefully before kissing my hand, leaving me a blushing mess.

I watch the mysterious Darling leave the coffee shop, a smile plastered on his face.

I try to read my book again but all I can think about is him.

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