Bill Gambini (4)

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A/N - Imagine: You're an officer at the jail and you started a secret relationship with Bill 


I walk down the hall, keeping a stern face.

The male inmates' catcall me, some even making inappropriate gestures but I just ignore them.

I keep walking until I reach the last cell at the end.

Stan had been called out for a visit, only Bill was in the cell.

"Y/n!" He calls out with a smile when he sees me.

"Hi, Bill" I greet.

I quietly open his cell gate and slip inside.

I'm immediately held against the wall, he kisses me greedily.

We have a hot makeout session for a while, each other's hands roaming our bodies.

We eventually pull apart breathless.

"Geez baby" I pant.

"Sorry. Can't help myself" he chuckles.

I stroke his face before we climb up and sit together on his bed.

"I really like you Bill, I just wish we could've met on nicer circumstances," I say.

"I know baby. But I promise we'll do so much together when I'm free" he replies, holding my hand.

"Are you sure your cousin will be able to help you? I could get in serious trouble if we're caught together" I ask him.

"He will, we're Gambini's after all" he smiles.

I lean my head on his shoulder, his arm wraps around my waist.

"I wish I could do more to help you. You don't deserve this" I look into his gentle eyes.

"You falling in love with me is all I need baby" he cups my face, kissing me again but softer.

With the other guards on break, we have some time to ourselves.

We lay together, he strokes my body as we talk about the future.

"Have I ever mentioned you look sexy in uniform?" He smirks.

"No, but now I know" I laugh.

"Can I tell you something?" Bill asks.

"Sure" I nod.

"I'd go to jail any day if it means being with you" he whispers.

I smile and plant a kiss on his head.

"Let's try and have you outta here baby" I whisper back to him.

Then, I hear boots down the end of the hall.

"Bill, I have to go," I say perking up.

He gives me a quick gentle kiss on the lips.

I hop down from the bed and leave the cell, noticing another guard heading towards us.

"Stop messing with the lights Gambini" I pretend to tell him off in a serious tone.

"Yes ma'am" he replies with a secret wink.

I flash him a small smile before walking away, already waiting for our next encounter.

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