Daniel LaRusso (7)

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A/N - Imagine: You compete against your ex-boyfriend Daniel in the All Valley tournament


As the All Valley tournament begins, I tie my hair out of my face and tighten my gi. I've been training for this competition for months and now is finally the time to prove my worth. I'm nervous but I don't show it through my calm demeanour. That trophy will be mine.

"Hey isn't that Daniel over there?" My friend whispers to me.

Across the room is my ex-boyfriend and I frown. He catches me staring at him and winks at me, causing me to turn my head away. Why does he have to look so damn hot in his gi? I shake the feeling off and focus. I won't let him distract me from winning.

Time goes by at a steady pace. I win a few matches here and there, impressing my friends. I can feel Daniel watching me so I throw him a smug smirk which doesn't faze him. During the Preliminaries, Daniel beats Dutch and Tommy. Johnny Lawrence, Cobra Kai's best student flirts with me but I pay him no mind.

Advancing to the Semi-Finals, Johnny beats my teammate Darryl Vidal, the previous champion from 1981 for Locust Valley Karate. "Shit," I mumble. This just got serious. Daniel steps up to fight Bobby Brown. The match goes well until Bobby injures Daniel who is quickly ushered out for medical assistance whilst Bobby is disqualified.

I jump up to go and check on him when I see Ali Mills rush to the back. A surge of jealousy waves over me, Daniel doesn't need me since little miss blonde wants to take my place. I grunt as I sit down again in a bad mood. Eventually, my name is called out to fight against Johnny. The winner will move on to the finals.

It's an intense match because he's real good. Yet, I'm determined more than ever and my skills are put to the test. After a few knockdowns, I beat Johnny who storms away grumpily but I don't care. I feel good that I won and I'm curious to see who the final opponent is.

My Sensei pats my shoulder. "Focus Y/n, you're one match away from becoming a champion," she tells me and I nod. I'm ready. It's announced that Daniel LaRusso will continue to fight as he makes his way towards the mat, the crowd cheering enthusiastically. When his eyes land on me, he freezes.

"I'm not fighting her" he calls out.

"Why? Scared I'll kick your ass?" I mock.

"Don't be like that Y/n. I care about you," he says. I'm startled because I didn't expect him to when all I've had is animosity towards him. Still, I don't let my wall break down. "Whatever, can we get on already?" I huff. Daniel agrees and we take our places. We bow to the referee, bow to each other and then form our stances.

"Ready? Fight!"

In the first round, Daniel, for whatever reason, doesn't make the first move which costs him when I land a vicious kick to his chest, knocking him to the ground and earning my point. "What the hell was that for?" Daniel hisses. "Don't be mad baby, you fuck almost as good as you fight," I taunt him. "Oh, that's how you want it to be? It's on," he snarls.

Daniel uses the techniques he learned from Mr Miyagi and punches my gut. I suck in my breath sharply but don't let it affect me, despite him gaining a point.

It's 1-1.

During the second round, I pin Daniel to the floor under my body but he is able to frantically fend me off and sweep my left leg. I fall to the ground and Daniel elbows me on the back, which gives Daniel the score 2-1.

The referee orders a timeout and has both opponents go to their Senseis. "You've done so well far Y/n, keep it up" she encourages, carefully wiping the blood from my nose. I regain my composure and meet Daniel back on the mat. Both of us are fired up by this point.

In the third round, I score another point by kicking Daniel in the face, making the score 2-2.

During the fourth round, we clash. Daniel, who was knocked down, is able to jump up again and tries to kick me although I elbow Daniel's right leg and pin him to the ground. He tries to roll in order to get up again but I hit his side which ties the score 2-3.

In the fifth round, we attempt to counterattack each other which only results in Daniel being knocked off bounds. The referee quickly orders Daniel back into his stance. He tries to kick me but I sweep his left leg, and we continue fighting until I punch Daniel a little too hard. It hurts my knuckles more than it does his face.

"Is that all you got sweetheart?" He breaks into a smirk.

"You wish," I snap.

In the final round, Daniel earns another point which ties the score 3-3. "Whoever wins the next point will be our new champion" the announcer's voice rings through the microphone. We glare at each other as we take our places and wait for the referee to lead us.


Daniel, despite being in pain, assumes the crane stance. I've seen Mr Miyagi do that before. Inhaling a deep breath, I charge at Daniel. He performs a kick to my face, beating me and resulting in him winning his first All Valley Karate championship.

The crowd rushes to him excitedly as I stumble back to my Sensei who hugs me. "I'm proud of you, no matter the outcome," she smiles. "Thank you, Sensei," I whisper. Despite her kindness, I'm still slightly upset about losing.

In an act of respect, Johnny Lawrence hands the trophy over to Daniel as Mr Miyagi stares at him proudly. I'm awarded a runners-up trophy which I grip tightly in my hand. I'm sore all over and in desperate need of a hot bath.

Following the end of the tournament, people begin to make their way outside to the parking lot to head home. I make it to my car but before I can even open the door, a pair of hands grab my waist and I'm spun around to face Daniel.

"Where are you going?" He pants.


"Don't you want to join us for ice cream?"

I shake my head. "You've got Ali for that," I say bitterly. Daniel sighs heavily. "I've told you before, she's just a friend and nothing more," he insists. "I was going to check on you after Bobby did you in but Ali beat me to it. Seems like she's plenty for you," I scoff.

"Enough!" Daniel suddenly raises his voice at me "I'm tired of all these arguments. I want you and only you!"

We hold each other's gaze in silence. Before I can reply, Daniel leans in and kisses me passionately. His arms wrap around my waist and I run my free hand through his dishevelled hair. When we drift apart to catch our breath, I finally let my built-up wall down.

"These trophies don't mean anything. But to date you? That makes me the luckiest winner of all," he swoons. I playfully nudge his shoulder with a giggle "Gosh, you're so cheesy," I smile. "Yeah well, I love seeing your pretty smile," Daniel flirts and pulls me in for another kiss. I never did like the title ex-boyfriend. Boyfriend suits him much better and it'll stay that way from now on.

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