meeting Ralph Macchio (2)

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A/N - Part 2: The date ♡


I wait nervously outside of my front door. 

Ralph is taking me on a date and I'm hoping that it goes well.

A few minutes later, a car pulls up and I see Ralph in the driver's side.

"Hey" I greet as I get in.

"Hey, you look great" he compliments.

"Thank you, so do you" I smile.

He drives us to a nearby restaurant and we hold hands as we walk in. 

We're taken to a cute little booth at the back, on the table is a dimly lit candle.

We order our food and then Ralph smiles at me.

"So, tell me about yourself Y/n," he says.

So I do. I tell him all about my hobbies, my likes and dislikes and most things about my life.

"That's awesome, you're definitely my type of girl" he flirts, I feel myself blush.

"What about you?" I ask as I take a sip of my soda.

"I enjoy acting, I've also done tap dancing for years. I can't wait to star in my next movie" he gushes.

"That's really cool, I know you're gonna do amazing" I smile.

Ralph notices a little a dancefloor nearby where a few couples are swaying to the music.

"May I?" He holds his hand out.

"You may" I reply.

I take his hand in mine and he leads me over, he places his hand on my lower back as we sway to the music.

"I never expected to meet a famous person" I giggle into his chest.

"And I never expected to meet someone as beautiful as you" he replies.

We look into each other's eyes, he has really pretty eyes.

I notice him leaning in and then we kiss, it's slow and sweet.

When we pull away, we smile at each other.

"I'm sorry if this is too early but I'd love to keep taking you on dates" he admits.

My heart almost explodes, I can feel butterflies in my tummy.

"I'd love that Ralph" I beam.

"I'm glad" he places a small kiss on my forehead as we end the night dancing.

Ralph Macchio imagines ♡Where stories live. Discover now