vampire Ralph (10)

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A/N - Hi my lovelies! I hope you're all doing wonderful, just thought I'd let you know I am coming back to writing now! I've missed connecting with you guys and for the time being, I feel okay :) the break was definitely needed and thank you for sticking through with me

Y/c/n = your child's name, this time it's a boy 


"Y/nnnn" Ralph calls out loudly.

"Whaaat" I reply, running into the living room.

He's holding our baby, god they look adorable together.

"It's a proud father moment, look!" Ralph says excitedly.

I walk closer to see what he's talking about. Y/c/n flashes me a smile and I see baby fangs gleaming back at me.

"Awe, he looks just like you" I swoon. Same black hair, dark brown eyes. Tanned skin. They even have the same cheeky grin.

Scooping him into my arms, I cradle our little bundle of joy.

Not even a minute later, I feel him trying to nibble on my finger.

"Hey! No biting" I pout but he didn't stop trying to attack my finger.

"You vampires are so thirsty, I can't catch a break" I joke as I sit on the couch with them, Ralph slings his arm over my shoulders.

"It's not our fault you're so yummy" he winks.

"I am a person, not a snack" I reply with a giggle.

"Hmm but you're my favourite snack" Ralph chuckles, I feel his warm breath against my neck as he kisses over my sweet spot.


He bites down gently, my blood being drawn instantly. I'd usually whimper but I'm used to it at this point.

With both boys feeding on me, I just sit there calmly.

"Welcome to the family" Ralph mumbles with a mouthful of skin.

"My vampire clan" I smile brightly. 

Ralph Macchio imagines ♡Where stories live. Discover now