Halloween party

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A/N - Imagine: You meet Ralph at a Halloween party ♡

He's 17 in this, so this is before he was famous :)


"This damn costume" I mumble under my breath as I fix my dress.

I chose to be something simple this year- an angel.

After fixing my lipgloss in the mirror, I come out of the bathroom to find my friends. 

Just as I'm walking down the hall, I bump into someone. 

"Hey watch it, I just fixed my dress" I snapped.

It was a boy around my age, he looked a little nervous.

"I'm sorry" he replies, rubbing his neck.

I stare at him, he's gorgeous I must admit.

"Sorry for snapping, what's your name?" I ask.

"Ralph" he answers.

"Ralph...?" I press further.

"Ralph Macchio" he continues.

I study him, he seems interesting.

"I'm Y/n Y/l/n" I reply.

He smiles at me, I notice he's dressed as the devil.

"I didn't say we could be a pair," I say jokingly, warming up to him.

"Every devil needs his angel" he smirks.

Then suddenly, "You're The One That I Want" from Grease starts playing downstairs.

"Oooh, I love this song" Ralph beams, he grabs my hand and pulls me down to the dancefloor.

He starts singing and dancing, he's surprisingly good.

I giggle at his funky moves and we begin to dance together.

"You're really cool," I say to him over the music.

"And you're beautiful," he says back.

I wasn't expecting that, I feel my cheeks blushing red.

We spend the rest of the night singing and dancing, the party in full blaze.

By the end of it, we're waiting outside for his parents to pick him.

"I had so much fun with you tonight Y/n," he says as he holds my hand.

"Me too, thank you for the best time" I reply. 

He gives me an angelic smile and leans in, kissing me sweetly.

Just as we pull apart, his dad shows up across the street in his car.

"See you," he says with a little wave.

"Bye Ralph" I reply with a wave.

I watch him walk off, he gives me a last smile when he reaches the car.

When he's gone, I look down at the piece of paper with his number on it and smile.

Ralph Macchio imagines ♡Where stories live. Discover now