the nightmare

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A/N - requested!


You hadn't told Ralph about your nightmares. He had been away for months shooting a movie and you didn't want to worry him. As suggested by your friends, you tried different things to help such as meditation or watching a romance film before bed but nothing worked.

The night Ralph returned home, you experienced the worst nightmare. It left you sweating and clawing at the sheets and you couldn't take it anymore. You woke up with a gasp and took the time to remember you were safe in your bedroom, even in the darkness. Ralph was conked out beside you snoring, his arm was loosely wrapped around your waist.

Carefully, you climbed out of bed and grabbed your dressing gown before heading downstairs to the kitchen. The bright light swept the room and you decided to make yourself a herbal tea. You were so caught up in your thoughts that you didn't hear Ralph wake up and come downstairs too.

"Y/n, what're you doing?" His voice startled you.

"Oh- I couldn't sleep," you replied. 

You avoided his eyes but Ralph approached you, turning your body to face him. He studied the intricacies of your face and it wasn't hard to miss the dark circles that tainted your skin. "You look awfully tired baby. What's wrong?" Ralph asked concerned. "Nothing," you smiled but you couldn't fool him.

"I can't help you if you don't tell me. I'm a terrible mind reader."

He meant well, you knew that. With a sigh, you began to tell him your troubles. You only intended for it to be short and to the point but you ended up ranting about every little detail. Ralph listened, soaking in your words and waiting patiently until you finished. "Sorry sorry," you mumbled when you realized.

"Don't ever apologize. Why didn't you tell me in your letters?" He took a seat at the table. With your cup in hand, you joined him. "I didn't want to bother you during filming. I know this movie is important to you," you said. 

"Work is important but you're more important to me. No movie could ever take your place."

You smiled and your heart skipped a beat. "Thank you, baby."

"Are you feeling better now?"

"Actually, I am. I guess I didn't realize how much I needed to get off my chest."

"Well, at least if I can't get any more acting jobs, I can become a professional therapist."

You rolled your eyes playfully.

Ralph pulled you into his lap, kissing your lips gently. "If I have to stay awake all night with you, then I will," he said. "That's sweet, but you wouldn't last five minutes. As soon as your head hits a pillow, you start snoring," you laughed. Ralph chuckled "Okay okay, you know me too well."

Then he stole a sip of your drink. "Hey, get your own" you smacked his hand softly. "Never" he grinned cheekily. After sharing the tea, the two of you headed back to bed and for the first time in months, you slept peacefully in his arms.

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