Sonnenberg Gardens

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A/N - Just something I thought of last night, short and cute ♡


You and Ralph were laying in the middle of Sonnenberg Gardens, sun blazing, wind echoing. 

You were laying side by side, hands intertwined together as you watched the clouds float by aimlessly. It was the perfect day to be out and about.

After being friends for a long time, he finally had plucked up the courage to ask you out. Ralph knew you had always wanted to visit Sonnenberg and surprised you with a date there.

"Okay okay, if you could be anything when you're older, what would you be?" You asked curiously. 

"Hmm, something performative. I wanna change the world, spread love through my work" he replied which brought a smile to your face, his thumb lightly stroking the back of your hand.

"You could be an actor? I've seen your performances at school, you're really good" you complimented, Ralph blushed slightly. 

"You mean it? Thanks, Y/n" he beamed.

"You're welcome, on one condition. Don't forget about me if you become famous" you joked.

Ralph turned his head to face you. "I could never forget you," he said before bringing you in close and kissing you softly.

One of his hands wrapped gently in your hair as the other hand supported your waist. 

"You wouldn't forget me?" You whispered, a sense of comfort washed over. 

"Never, you're my dream girl" he answered with the brightest smile.

Ralph Macchio imagines ♡Where stories live. Discover now