New York winter (2)

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I meet up with Ralph outside the cinema as promised. "I'm glad you could make it" he greets with a warm kiss to my cheek. "Me too, thanks for inviting out" I smile. He holds my hand as we walk inside, choosing some snacks for the movie. I see girls swooning over him, calling out his name. Ralph smiles and waves, even signing a few autographs but he never lets my hand go.

We head in shortly after and take our seats near the front, I can still hear girls whispering and gossiping. It all quietens down when the movie starts. I watch it with curious eyes, not knowing what to expect. In this movie, he's a greaser. The look really suits him, I find myself admiring him even more. The rest of the cast is really good looking too. I notice Ralph grinning as he watches, he seems really proud of his work.

When the movie finishes, everyone is in sobs of tears as his character Johnny died. "I did not see that coming" I mention to him, patting my eyes dry. "So, what did you think of it?" He asks me. "I really enjoyed it, you're such a good actor" I praise him, he smiles in response. He gives me his scarf, wrapping me up so I don't get too cold before we make our way out into the wintery streets.

I thought he'd just go home but he slings his arm around my shoulders. "There's something I wanna show you," he says. He gently ushers me back to Central Park where we first met. "More hot dogs?" I assume. He shakes his head. "Not today, I think you'll like this" he smirks. We walk further into the park until we reach the middle. There's a band playing under a setup tent, a small crowd of people watching them.

He raises his hand, holding it out for me. I take it and he positions us face to face, his other hand rests on my waist as he begins to sway us around. "I don't know how to dance" I blush, feeling the other people eyeing us curiously. "I'll teach you, don't worry about that" he smiles. I feel a bit nervous doing this in public but he reassures me. It begins to snow again but he doesn't stop.

I notice some people recording us on their cameras as we dance around together. "You must've taken some lessons, you're really good" I whisper to him as he holds me close. "I did, and now it's even better since I think I found my favourite dance partner" he replies. I feel my cheeks blush even redder, he's grinning at me.

Then in a blur, he leans down and places his lips on mine. I'm taken aback but I sink in, his soft warm lips comfort me. It's slow but slightly passionate, a perfect first kiss for me. When we pull apart, he brushes my hair lightly out of my face and tucks it behind my ears. "You're beautiful Y/n" he compliments, his eyes sparkle as he gazes at me. "You are too" I smile. Even when we stop dancing, he doesn't let me go and I have a feeling I found the one.

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