Robin Hood of Sherwood

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A/N - I love Robin Hood so I was very much inspired to write him as Ralph and I have so many other ideas too that I will create when I have the time <3


1194, Sherwood Forest, in the heart of Nottinghamshire

That blasted Prince John, you hated him. Everyone in Sherwood knew you best by your kind-hearted spirit except for Prince John. You weren't afraid to stand up against his tyrannous ways which often resulted in a one-hour lockup at the local jail but even so, you didn't give up.

Another lovely day and you were walking through the forest after work when that familiar sound of the royal horse-drawn carriage drew nearer. You picked up your pace and hid behind a bush but you, regrettably, had already been spotted.

"Oh, Y/n dear" Prince John's shrill voice rang. The way he spoke your name made you tense up.

"What may I do for you, Your Highness?" you sighed heavily and emerged from the shrubbery.

"It's time to collect your taxes" he declared. "How absurd! You taxed me only a few days ago, I cannot possibly pay you more otherwise I won't be able to feed my family tonight," you stated. "Must you always have an excuse? I care not for your personal business. Hand over what you owe me," Prince John demanded. "I will do no such thing," you refused with crossed arms. 

Prince John simply rolled his eyes with a disapproving tut-tut. "Guards" he snapped his fingers.

Two beastly men in uniform appeared before you, snatching your money bag from your pocket. You tried to put up a fight clinging on tightly but you were no match. They pushed you to the cobblestone ground with a hearty laugh and slowly rode off in the distance, leaving you to curse John's name.

Defeated, you were about to storm off when an arrow shot above your head and flew straight into the back of the carriage. You heard Prince John shout "What is the meaning of this?!" as the carriage came to a sharp halt. "He's here, Sire. Your sworn enemy," a guard informed.

With his presence now known, Ralph jumped down upon the carriage from the trees above with his bow and arrows in hand. His lincoln green attire complimented his tanned skin and he proudly wore a feathered hat. "Prince John. Why, I haven't seen you since our last encounter yesterday. To what do I owe the pleasure?" the outlaw grinned.

Prince John stuck his head out of the window. "You! Thief! Get down this instant!" the Prince ordered, only for his demand to be ignored. "Ha. I take no orders from you. The only person I serve is King Richard. That is where my loyalties lie," Ralph proclaimed. "Oh please, my brother won't be here for a long time. Until then, I'm in charge," Prince John scoffed.

"I saw what you did to Y/n. Is that any way to treat a lady?" Ralph remarked. "A lady or not, she is a peasant who owes me," Prince John snapped.

Ralph's jaw clenched and he pointed his weapon at the Prince daringly. "You will bear her no ill will anymore. Mark my words."

Prince John emerged from the carriage with a scowl. "Guards! Get him immediately so I can throw him into the dungeon and toss the key away forever!" he stomped his foot like a child.

You watched in amazement as Ralph took on every single guard with ease which left them in a groaning pile on the floor. "Is that all you got?" he teased. "Fools," Prince John glared at the guards "Just you wait until the Sheriff hears about this tomfoolery."

"You know, you really mustn't overtax your townsfolk. It's wrong" Ralph frowned. "I'll do as I please. That money belongs in my chest" Prince John protested. "That's too bad because it's my duty to ensure that doesn't happen" Ralph suddenly swiped the money bag from the Prince's grip. The royal gave chase but he was nowhere as slick as the archer was.

Another arrow was shot which flew right into John's velvet cape. He stumbled backwards into a pool of mud which did indeed anger the Prince. "How dare you treat me this way! I want to go home!" he cried out. The beaten guards didn't move an inch so Prince John became preoccupied with yelling at them for their useless behaviour.

With a chuckle, Ralph approached you. "I believe this belongs to you" he handed over the money bag which you took gratefully. "I cannot thank you enough for your dedication to helping us villagers" you replied. Ralph smiled at you warmly with soft eyes. "No need to thank me. I'm at your assistance for as long as I shall live," he said firmly.

Noticing that his hat was on the verge of falling off, your hands brushed lightly past his cheeks as you reached out and fixed it for him. "Thank you, darling," he smiled. Through your composure, he couldn't tell that you were melting on the inside, wishing he'd call you that again.

Ralph's kindness didn't end there. Stealing (or in his words 'borrowing') Prince John's carriage, he drove you towards the village. "Aren't you afraid of what they'll do to you for this?" you asked curiously. "Scarcely. The Sheriff would have to catch me first and well...he's doing a lousy job so far," Ralph smirked.

You arrived home in no time. "It's a lovely house" he looked around from the gate. "Ralph, it would absolutely be an honour to have you visit soon for supper. I could even bake a pie" you offered with a hint of hope in your tone.

"What is expected of me to bring?"

"Merely your company."

Ralph cocked his head to the side staring at you before holding out his palm. "It's a deal, m'lady" you shook his hand and became taken aback when he kissed yours delicately. "We'll meet again soon, Y/n," he said. You nodded and watched him leave, driving back towards the forest with a merry whistled tune.

You couldn't wait for his return.

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