Eddie Pilikian (4)

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A/N - Imagine: You comfort Eddie after he loses his best friend <3 


A knock on the door momentarily distracted me from my homework. "Come in," I called out, my eyes still settled on my book. I heard the door open and close but I wasn't greeted back which made me finally look up to see Eddie standing in my room, his face stained with tears. "It hurts Y/n," his voice broke as he harshly kicked off his shoes, he tore his jacket off and threw it with such force it knocked my lamp over but I didn't mind.

"I know but you'll be okay," I replied softly. Then I stood up and pulled him into a tight hug, his head resting against my shoulder. He sobbed and trembled in my embrace, his hands knotted tightly in my shirt. I didn't know exactly what to say because unfortunately, I couldn't take the pain away despite how much I wished I could. Eddie was still grieving the loss of his best friend Danny who was shot dead by the cops in school. 

Together we moved to the bed and got comfortable between the dozens of pillows. I let Eddie vent his emotions out, something he rarely did. I would occasionally sweep the falling hair out of his face or wipe his tears with my sleeve carefully. "H-he was just a kid Y/n! He didn't mean any harm and they took him away!" Eddie almost screamed overwhelming himself.

"I'm sorry you have to deal with this, it sucks I know. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Eddie stared at me in silence for a few minutes before mustering up "Just...Don't leave me."

So I didn't. I held him secure in my arms, feeling him eventually settle down to the faint radio tunes. I could tell he liked when I played with his dishevelled hair by the way he calmly hummed to himself, his tense shoulders drooped. Then I quickly thought of something that might cheer him up. "Could you tell me a story about you and Danny?" I asked. Eddie began recalling his favourite memory of the two and his eyes lit up, a small grin emerged.

"I like that one," I giggled and Eddie chuckled.

But then a sudden look of worry plagued him in his state of vulnerability. "I hate to admit this shit but I'm scared Y/n."

"Of what?"

"Well you know, being all alone," we glanced at each other and we were so close our noses could almost touch. I shook my head and replied "You're not alone Eddie. You always have me." Without any sort of warning, he leaned in and kissed me. It was passionate, slow yet fiery. I probably wasn't the best kisser but Eddie didn't care, he wanted me. When I pulled back for air he whined a little "Awe cmon I don't wanna stop."

"Then you don't have to," I smiled.

Eddie didn't hesitate and pulled me in for another kiss, his arms wrapped around my body as I rested my hands on his chest. "Thank you," he mumbled against my lips "I don't know what I'd do without you" then he snuggled into me. Since we were being honest, I decided to take my chance. "I really like you," I said to which he replied, "Who wouldn't?"

I playfully rolled my eyes, there was the cheeky Eddie Pilikian that I knew.

We stayed warmly huddled together for the rest of the afternoon listening to music and having a  meaningful talk of life before falling asleep in each other's clutch as the evening gradually approached.

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