One Hundred Job Debt

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Spinel narrowed her eyes at Giran. Was he telling the truth? Could he provide that? She pocketed the card and sat up straighter examining his features as he spoke looking for even a hint of a lie. "What do you get out of it? I've read enough to know that brokers don't do anything for free. If you want money, I don't have enough of it to pay you."

"It's simple. I get you an ID and the means to change your appearance and you do some odd jobs for me. I'm a bit short staffed at the moment. What do you say? I scratch your back and you scratch mine. It's a fair trade"

"I don't know about fair... and that's a very vague proposition you are offering me." Something that her parents had instilled into her is that you must always read the fine print. Have enough information before deciding. "What kind of jobs? Will it be a good ID? How long do I have to do said jobs? When you say, 'change appearance' what do you mean?"

"Just the usual, you'll have to do one hundred spying and scouting jobs, maybe a few others occasionally. No killing. You won't get paid for those one hundred jobs though. And as soon as you finish all one hundred then you are free to leave and go about your new life. The ID I can provide you with is top of the line, I can swear that on my credibility. And in terms of changing appearance I can bring you to someone who does everything from hair to tattoos to piercings. Of course, you will have to find your own accommodations and food to survive." He smirked as he saw interest in her eyes. "All of this will be free of charge little miss. All you have to do is a hundred measly jobs. What'd ya say? Do you agree?" There was a brief moment of silence where Giran could practically hear the gears turning in that little head of hers.

Spinel frowned, weighing her options. This is obviously making a deal with the devil, but it would help her out in the long run. One hundred jobs all of them not involving murder. That's all I have to do. If I do that, I'll get a new identity, a new look which means I could walk around in plain sight. But then again, during the jobs I won't get paid, which means I can't buy food or housing. Which does make sense in a way since technically those jobs are my way of paying for the ID. She would have to find her own accommodations, food and connections. That's to be expected since she prepared for this when she decided to run away. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity... Spinel looked Giran dead in the eye "I accept." I am not afraid to make a deal with the devil.

Giran grinned at not just her answer but also her resolve. Looks like I may even have the makings of a little broker. I wonder... if she is any good then maybe I can convince her. Giran pulled out a small notebook and a pen. "It's time to get to business."

The two spent the last hour of the trip discussing the details of her fake ID and the life of her persona. It was a rapid fire of ideas bouncing between them. Spinel was more excited than she thought she'd be. She got to make her own person. It was like making an original character but actually making the character breath in the reality she lived in. Spinel had to change everything from her name, to her quirk, to her birthday and of course her family. She was honestly having a blast.

They finished the ID plans for her new identity and did one last read over to make sure everything was correct. (A/N: yeah this is a status card and the fake identity story. I did them together because big brain, some parts were left out for later though)

Name - Spinel Rosenthal Birthday – 8th May 21XXQuirk: Puddle Monster - Lets her turn into a puddle of black goop -similar to a video game slime- that attacks by taking the shape of a giant black blob mouth with pointy teeth. In that form she can "eat" one to two people at a time. She can also turn certain parts of her body into goop though that has no practical application. Overuse leads to nausea and extreme hunger. A side effect of her quirk is that she is always hungry.Fake Parents –

Mother: Minami Rosenthal (Deceased)

Quirk: Shadow Hop – the user can teleport short distances though shadows.

Father: Keisuke Rosenthal (Deceased)

Quirk: Munch – the user is always hungry but can eat anything (non-food included) with ease.

"Yep, that's all the whole identity" Spinel confirmed nodding.

Giran closed his notebook and put it away along with his pen. He took his business card back from her and wrote a location on the back. "Meet me here at seven in the morning, the day after tomorrow. I'll have your ID along with the written contract of our deal. Once you sign it, I'll give you the ID and necessary documents, more specifically your birth certificate, fake school transcript and so forth. As an added bonus I'll bring you to the place so you can change your appearance." He handed the business card back to Spinel. "Don't lose the card. If you need to buy anything else now or in the future you can use this number." Giran stood and stretched before gathering his things to leave. "Thanks for the scarf little miss. Matches my glasses."

Spinel picked up her bag and walked off the train rather unceremoniously. She gave the sign on the wall a fleeting glance.

'Welcome to Musutafu, enjoy your stay.'

Well then....

Spinel took out her new phone and began to type away at google maps searching for the cheapest place to stay while still being near to the location of the meet up. Of course if she could help it, Spinel didn't want it to be too shady. Well it has to be shady enough that they'll accept some kid like me paying in cash and not pry into my life, she thought fondly internally snickering from her comment. Thankfully, she found one. It was called 'Kore wa warui hoterudesu". It would require a bit of a walk to get from the train station to the motel but that was no big deal. All she had with her was her backpack, the clothes she was wearing and miraculously the teriyaki lunch box she had yet to eat.

Not knowing what to expect she stepped out of the station and into the city plaza. Damn this place is huge. It's nothing like the town at home. The skyscrapers towered above her as great monoliths of concrete and glass strung together with shiny steel which reflected the light from the shimmering midday sun . The atmosphere was buzzing with energy, people hustling to catch the next traffic light, people lazing around on benches, stores bursting with people. There was an above ground train system going right through the city, from what Spinel could see, it was much faster than driving- If the car traffic was anything to go by.

Even though no one paid any mind to the little thirteen-year-old, she felt unsurprisingly out of place. She was still wearing her school uniform after all. I'll change once I find the motel I'm staying at. Spinel pulled out her phone and began to walk. She moved along in the thick crowd, mostly a good few feet shorter than everyone else, she was a child so she supposed it was only natural. Spinel couldn't see the bright street signs, or the buildings to orient herself - only backpacks, coats and hair. She stood on the ledge of one of the fountains to get a better view of what was happening. Despite all the chaos it was beautiful. Organized chaos if you will. However, her eyes were drawn to the darkened alleyways of the city. I'll need to learn the routes through those soon. These may be the last few days I sleep under a roof.

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