Slime Talk

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"Now, Spinel, listen, we aren't going to go for the ten million. I don't want to die. But we can get the other points while they are busy. All I want you to do is just run around and don't stop." Asher informed her as he sat haphazardly on the blob known as Spinel.

Spinel couldn't really speak in that form so all she did was let out a low growl as she started to make her way to one of the other teams of two. Asher was talking about something animatedly, his hands swinging around.

Then he sneezed.

And lo behold when he sneezed, he managed to avoid someone attempting to grab his headband. "Oh boy. I don't usually sneeze, that's cool." If Spinel could facepalm in that form, she would. This kid just sneezed and saved their points. "Sorry about that." Asher chuckled, he held his hand out and swiped in the air playfully.

There is no way that would work. What the hell is he doing? Spinel thought, responding in a low rumble.

"Oh. I really didn't think anything would actually happen." Asher looked at the three-hundred-and-ninety-point headband in his hand. He didn't see anyone in front of him to take a headband from and he never had objects fly into his hand before. So, what happened?

For a moment, Spinel was just as confused as Asher, that was before she realized that the headband that 'flew' into his hand belonged to none other than Hagakure. Her group whizzed past the pair at the same time Asher just so happened to swipe and somehow, she lost her headband to his overly exaggerated snatch.

A chill made its way through the air in their direction, Spinel and most other 1-A students knew the only person responsible was Todoroki. They also happened to know that Todoroki's favorite crowd control attack was to freeze the floor. Ice spread along the floor in an attempt to trap the other participants. Spinel bounced up to avoid the ice, temporarily forgetting about her rider. Shit! Asher! Once Spinel landed onto the iced floor, she felt a weight land on her back. No. Fucking. Way.

"Well then." Asher fastened Hagakure's headband around his neck then slicked back his hair looking smug, he had landed perfectly on Spinel without a care in the world. "Spinel, my dear let's keep this up this strategy, shall we?"

- ----PREVIOUSLY-----

Shinsou glanced around at the other competitors. He wasn't going to ask Mei or Spinel to join his group, he received enough help from the pair already and it seemed they had other teams to join. Shinsou started to run out of options as he looked for a group. "Uh, hey. Do you need another member?" He asked a group of two.

They looked at each other before they turned to face Shinsou. "No offence to you or anything, but I'd rather have another hero course student in my group. I'm not saying a general education student like yourself is dead weight. I'm just saying we have better options." The beast man with glasses replied apologetically. "There are plenty of other groups so don't worry about it too much."

Forget about quirk discrimination, apparently discrimination comes between classes too. People judged him based on his quirk and now they judged him based on his class. Typical. Shinsou nodded and tried a different group, this time it was a group of three. "Need a fourth?"

"We don't really need another person. Honestly, I think it'd be better to find a different group. There are other groups with less people." A tailed boy reasoned, as he eyed Shinsou warily.

"Is that what all of you think?" Shinsou replied, keeping the annoyance out of his voice as he turned to face the other two members.

"Nous sommes désolés."

Being a Hero is just a Side Job (Shinsou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now