Rising Heat

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"Help! My grandpa is stuck under the rubble!" A bloodied child cried.

"Where is he?" Izuku asked as his group approached the child.

Immediately the child broke out of character for a second. "Wrong! Point deducted. You are supposed to check the victim's wounds first and assess if they are ok enough to move. Only after that do you look for the next person."


"Are you alright?" Spinel asked as she approached an elderly couple. She examined the fake injuries to assess the damage, all in all the injuries looked very convincing. After Spinel diagnosed the injury as considerably far out of her expertise, she decided she would have to bring them both to the first aid tent.

"Need help?"

Spinel turned around to the voice. It was Clover. "Yes please!" She gestured to the elderly couple, "We need to bring them both back to the tent to receive medical attention."

Clover lifted up once of the pair with little effort as Spinel lifted the other. "Sorry for Inasa, he's a little weird like that."

The pair started to walk as Spinel allowed Clover to talk all the way back. Spinel learned the hard way that when Clover was allowed to speak, she spoke. A lot. Her voice wasn't quiet either.

"Like, can you believe it? He was awake the entire bus ride here, and not just awake. No, no. That would be too easy. He was super awake with a crazy amount of energy and enthusiasm." Clover change the topic with ease as they neared the tent. "So, the deal with you and that low budget school kid? Are you guys like dating or nah? I think it'd be cute but like that purple sleep deprived kid from your school is cute too. They give off totally different vibes. Oh! I know, what about dating them both? Well I mean if you are into that. if you are, I'm not judging or anything." Clover didn't stop her rambling; she even answered her own questions. "Though I mean like you seem to favor purple what's his face, but what is up with that tension? Like that's c-r-a-z-y! It's obvious you like each other so just kiss and make up already. Unless I'm reading this all horrible wrong and you aren't into him, which in that case- sorry not sorry, but I already ship it."


The proctor watched as the students assisted each 'injured civilian'. "Naturally things don't always go according to plan." He pressed a few keys on the computer. A large explosion happened on the east side of the arena.

"What the hell?" Spinel and Clover turned to face the explosion. They could recognize the infiltrator from a mile away. He was a killer whale mutant-type. He had deep while eyes with rings that circled his red pupils and wore a white suit with a pink tie. He was large and muscular, and she dare say, as a villain he would be terrifying and awe-inspiring at the same time. "It's Gang Orca!"

Gang Orca waltzed in with a plethora of what could only be described as minions by his side. He is the number ten hero and as far as Spinel knew, he was also number three in the 'heroes who look like villains' ranking. "Dealing with enemies and rescuing civilians, lets see if you can handle both, heroes!"

"The villains have shown up and they are on the move! Hero candidates on the scene will suppress the villain attack, all while continuing the rescue operation."

"What's your move, heroes?"

Clover and Spinel weren't too far from the explosion site, so it didn't take long for them to join the fray of students. The minions slowly made their way closer to the group of students and civilians, Spinel spotted Shindou a few paces to her left. Hilariously, the current scenario reminded her of a game they used to play as kids. "Yoyei!"

Being a Hero is just a Side Job (Shinsou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now