Villains go Shopping too

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"Firecracker!" Spinel jumped Dabi with a hug as she burst through the door.

Dabi caught her returning the hug "I take it the date went well?"

Spinel nodded high on her happy vibes. "Worth the struggle." She mumbled embarrassed.

"So, are you dating now?"

Spinel blushed and hid her face in Dabi's chest. "No!" Her blush reached her ears causing Dabi to chuckle.

Dabi sighed and ruffled her hair "I want to meet him before you date. Just saying." He mentioned, dead serious, his doting brother side coming out.

"Oh, and by the way, we are running low on food; can you buy some groceries today? And you can get yourself something after if you want" Dabi asked prying, himself away from her hug.

Spinel nodded and picked up the grocery list with all the things she needed before heading out.


Upon arriving, Spinel had to weave through the crowds and dense flow of people, her bags getting fuller by the second. She flittered around the store, list in hand looking for what she needed. Rice, bread, tomatoes, eggs, pasta and meat are scrawled in almost illegible writing. Her writing wasn't much better than Dabi's, so she had no room to complain. She wasn't quite sure on what Dabi planned on making with the seemingly random items, but she didn't question it and just followed her task. She mumbled to herself as she picked up the last item and went to check it out.

The line wasn't particularly long but there was someone in front of her with enough items to feed a small army. Spinel sighed inwardly, this was the only line open and the self-checkout machines have been 'under maintenance' for a good few months. When she finally got the cashier, she was greeted by and old woman at the counter, not the kind you pity with their fragile looking state, but the kind that could probably maintain a small kitchen given the chance.

"Cash or Card?"

"Cash please" Spinel replied as she handed over the money. Since paying off her debt she continued doing jobs and earning her money. Of course, she continued to practice her swiping abilities, but she returned the wallets and items afterwards, unless the person she stole from was particularly shitty.

Once Spinel had finished paying for her items, she made her way towards the mall again, there was a new game store that had just opened today, and she wanted to check it out.

The store was very well designed. It wasn't as big as she thought it would be, but it had enough space to walk through the aisles. Her only complaint would be the god-awful patterned carpets, who thought it would be a good idea to go for red and yellow dots? She wasn't an interior designer by any means but even she knew it looked bad.

She walked through looking at the filled shelves. Everything was arranged nicely by genera, spine outwards, not dissimilar to that of a library, the featured games on the eye level ledges with garish neon arrows and review comments. She found herself attracted to the RPG section of the store, their collection was larger than the other selections they had, and she wondered if the owner was a fan themselves. She picked up an interesting looking game and read the back.

"Excuse me, miss?"

Spinel turned to the voice, it seemed to be a well-dressed man made of black mist. "Yes?"

"I was just wondering if you had any games to recommend. The recipient is a few years older than you appear to be. He told me he wanted a specific game, but he didn't know its title" He looked at all the games on the shelf, perhaps a little intimidated by the sheer amount of choices. If Spinel could see his facial expression and not just his glowing yellow eyes, she could have sworn he was worried. Whoever this man was buying a gift for seemed to be quite the man-child.

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