Welcome to Hosu

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"I'm assuming this is your 'hero' agency?" Spinel pointed at 'HeroTown Inc' on her internship options.

Giran looked at the paper and nodded, his mouth full. He had invited himself to dinner bringing dessert with him. He knew it was one of the few ways to get Dabi and Spinel to let him in. He swallowed and finished the rest of his meal before he replied, "Yeah. I need you for a job. You can reject it if you want, I'm assuming you have other offers, but I put one in any way to see if you wanted it or not."

Spinel put her cake down on the table now fully focused. "What kind of job is it that you need an entire week?" Spinel asked, as she relaxed on the chair.

"You know the hero killer Stain, right?"

Spinel nodded.

"Well I need you to find him and see if you can convince him to come pay me a visit." Giran took out a smoke, just as he was going to light it Spinel swiped it from him.

"So, you just want me to find him, right? But why me? You have other people who can find them." She wrinkled her nose at the cigarette and threw it away. "Cancer sticks are bad for you."

"Two reasons. One, you are the fastest out of all my other people and two, they have been swamped with jobs. They just don't have the time." Giran looked at his tossed cancer stick and lamented at the loss before putting his box back in his jacket pocket. "The job is basically to find him and convince him to have a meeting with me. If he still refuses, then that's just too bad, I guess. You will only get paid half if he doesn't accept. Nothing else. It's a pretty decent deal. What else are you going to learn during the week at a hero internship? Depending on which hero I don't think you'd be doing much hero work."

Spinel nodded along as she finished her cake. Giran did have a point. She had heard some stories from the second and third years about how useless their internships were. If she takes Giran's job, she gets paid no matter what and as long as she does the job and she would have the week to herself. She hadn't done a job in a while, but then again, she was trying to wean herself off of them. It was like a strange addiction. An addiction she would need to get over once she became a hero. "I'll think about it. Oh, and who thought of the name HeroTown Inc?"

"I did!" Dabi called from the kitchen. "Isn't it brilliant?"

Spinel groaned and shook her head. Of course, it would be Dabi who thought of such a name. why wouldn't it be? "It's a fucking stupid name!" She called back grinning.

- ----THE NEXT DAY-----

"Are you sure?" Aizawa asked with an eyebrow raised "This is pretty much a brand-new agency with only one hero. You want to intern there?"

"Yes! I was thinking that, in the future when I hope to be a hero then I would at least have some knowledge on how a startup agency would look like. Ya know? Since they don't really teach that to the hero course students." Spinel reasoned easily.

Aizawa thought for a moment and nodded. What she said did make sense. It was rare to witness another budding agency so it would be a great experience since the school only offers a business class for the management course students. "Alright I'll list that you have accepted HeroTown Inc then." He had trouble taking the name seriously. It just sounded so idiotic. "Let me know how it goes. I'm curious, not a lot of students take new agencies, so it'd be interesting to hear about"

"Sure thing." Spinel chirped with a smile. She had thought about her decision all night and weighed out the pros and cons. It was, in the long run, more beneficial to take Giran's offer. There were many opportunities later in the school years that she could take.

- ----DEPARTURE DAY-----

"Do you have everything?" Aizawa deadpanned, secretly fretting that one of his troublesome trio will be let loose without the other two. He had come to appreciate how the three managed to balance each other out, Shinsou being the voice of reason, Mei being the source of energy and Spinel the devil's advocate.

"Yes!" She chirped and pat down her backpack.

"I'll see you next week, Kitty cat" Shinsou added as he gave a rare smile.

Mei started a hug and pulled Hitoshi to join. "Let us know how it goes! Don't do what we wouldn't~"

Spinel scoffed fondly wiggling out of the hug, "As if I could. How can I do something made for three people with just one person." She brushed her hair back with her fingers getting the strands out of her face before she gave her friends and teacher a wave. "Don't miss me too much!"

She hopped on a train with its destination being Hosu. She looked around before taking her seat. It was almost identical as the train she took over a year ago to run away from that house. There were only minor differences like the blue seats in rows of two, not three and this time there was a sturdy looking overhead rack. Even though Spinel knew the racks probably wouldn't fall she didn't really want to risk death by falling objects in a train. Spinel took the window seat yet again and placed her bags by her feet. If no one was going to take the seat next to her she would move her stuff. Mei-Mei claimed that she had packed a lunch for Spinel, but she was almost certain it was filled with energy bars, and a handful of instant coffee packets. Let's hope the place Giran gave me the key to was recently restocked with food. She thought with a groan.


Once Spinel arrived at her destination, she was pleasantly surprised that the city was very similar to Musutafu. The city was a vast labyrinth of noisy main streets and alleyways. Spinel groaned knowing that the chances of her getting lost would be just as high as when she first arrived in Musutafu. Though there many subtle differences, the smells of the city that were once foreign to her, now reminded her of home. Well, minus the alley smell of alcohol. It was close enough.

Spinel took out her phone and fondly examined the pink rabbit eared case. She was ninety percent sure that when Giran gave it to her there was some form of SOS locator. After her fortieth mission she needed a pickup but had not the foggiest clue on where she was, it took an extra thirty minutes before they found her. Not a fun time.

It didn't take too long for her to find the apartment, surprisingly enough it was located in a pretty fair area of the city. She let herself in and dumped her luggage on the carpeted floor. Spinel was expecting it to be just one room but apparently it was a fully functioning apartment. The apartment was just like any other; it was almost frighteningly mundane. She took off her shoes and walked in.

The furniture in the apartment looked close to brand new. There were little to no telltale signs that someone had once lived long term in the area. The main sign of life was the smell. It reminded her faintly of flowers and bleach, not exactly the best combination. On the ugly orange counter there was a post-it-note and a few documents under it.

Spinel looked in the pantry and thanked whoever was there last. The kind soul had left a few cans of food with a note saying that it was for the next occupant. She poured out the soup and once she finished confirming it was safe to eat, she placed it in a bowl to heat up. Only after she had her meal ready did she pick up the documents.

Last known hero attacked: XX/XX/XX

Turbo Hero: Ingenium (Photo here)

Civilian name: Iida Tensei

Location: Between XX and YY

Spinel's eyes widened as she read the report. Didn't Iida mention his hero internship was at Hosu? She slowly started to connect the dots as she examined the photo included in the dishearteningly small file. Iida was probably out for revenge. She sighed internally at the implications of what could possibly happen.

The blue walls seemed unbothered as she hung a decently sized cork board on the wall. She decided that she would relax after she found Stain. She took out her laptop and turned it on before she began to pin up cut outs, previous reports, and newspaper clippings to the board. She ran her hands through her green and white locks frustrated, Spinel thought that she could take it easy and take her time looking for Stain, but apparently, she needed to find him before Iida did. She wasn't particularly Iida's biggest fan, but they had a mutual tolerance going on. If she could help it, Spinel wasn't going to let him destroy his hero career before it even started.

Being a Hero is just a Side Job (Shinsou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now