Bear-ly Breathing

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Spinel dived down in her blob form barely in time, she pushed the table violently in her aggressor's direction knocking his knees back. It gave her enough time to scramble and tackle Fritz to the ground. They rolled and wrestled but she failed to pin him down. He was considerably more muscular than she was, so he easily managed to turn things in his favor. Fritz jabbed her in the ribs before he grabbed a handful of her hair as he stood. Using her hair, he yanked Spinel to her knees and brought her face down sharply onto his bent knee. In a stroke of good fortune -if it could be called that- Spinel managed to turn her face before impact, so instead of a broken nose all she had was a split lip.

Spinel cursed as her nails clawed at the offending arm in an attempt to escape. She grabbed the gun she left on the seat and pointed it somewhere at Fritz's chest and fired. She just hoped that she didn't kill him by accident.

She heard him growl as the bullet pierced through his shoulder, he automatically let go of her hair in pain. Taking this chance Spinel backed right up and rushed to her feet still holding the gun. She had full intention of using it. She fired it again this time it was pointed at his leg. To her utter dismay, it was empty. Why was this gun only loaded with two bullets? She screamed internally.

Fritz's prior words rang in her head "It's just a precaution."

She scanned the room for any kind of way out. Suddenly the door was slammed open "BOSS!"

It's the guard! Spinel paled as the guard took in the scene. This couldn't be described as a fight, No. It was closer to a scuffle gone too far.

"HOW DARE YOU!" The guard rushed at her, undeterred as Spinel threw the empty gun at him. She dodged to his left barely avoiding the grapple. She skittered around the pair and again attempted to make a break to the door.

Fritz however had different plans, He lunged forward and snatched her arm back. Spinel stumbled, startled from the sudden sensation. She twisted her arm out of his grasp and fell face forward injuring her ankle. "Shit." Spinel hissed as the pain travelled up her leg. That doesn't feel good. Her mind chided.

The guard morphed into what could only be described as a huge bear. Just one of his claws was already the length of her forearm. He snapped in Spinel's direction and tried to grab her, his claws slashing the ground every time Spinel rolled away, each slash came closer and closer, missing her just by a hair. Spinel winced as she clambered out the door, slammed it behind her and jumped down the stairs three at a time. She inhaled deeper and faster as she made her way downstairs to the club dance floor. With each footfall a jarring pain shot up her ankle to her knee then back down again. Perhaps running down the stairs three at a time wasn't such a smart idea. She slid over the bar table knocking a few glasses before hiding under the counter. Spinel tried to keep her breathing quiet and even to not be discovered.

The bear guard lumbered down the stairs growling and snapping at everything he saw; terror filled the room, the screams mixed with the still blaring music can created a symphony of chaos. A stampede of people tried to shove past each other in a frenzy to exit the building. Again, the bear swiped, this time he took the DJ booth down with a paw, the music no longer masking the screams. As more and more people fled the room the bigger space the bear had to roam, but more importantly, it was easier to sniff his prey out.

Spinel held her breath.

All of a sudden, the counter on her left was reduced to nothing but crunched up wood and glass. She switched into her blob form to avoid the next bite of the counter and bounced over it, landing behind the bear guard. There were too many people to slip past and escape with while in blob form, she didn't want to be stepped on.

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