Cuffed and Linked

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Shinsou mentally facepalmed. "You didn't press the red button?"

Light returned to Spinel's eyes as she responded "Uh. What red button?"

"The one under the table" he sighed as the adrenaline started to wear off. "It calls the police."

Spinel was silent. She had no idea what that button was for, so she didn't press it. "Oops?" Though to her credit she would like to think she did most of the plan right. I mean there was a hiccup with the misfire but that's alright. She managed to get the gun in the end.

It wasn't long before the flashing red and blue arrived at the scene, it took everything in her not to just up and run like so many other times before. Their guns were out and locked on Spinel. "Miss, put the gun down and step away from that man. We have this place surrounded.

Honestly, she couldn't blame them for thinking that she was the perpetrator. She was the person holding a gun to someone's head and not freaking out. She made no move to release the man or put down the gun. Who knows what would happen if she let him go.

"No! Officer, she was the one who saved us. That boy helped save us too!" Someone called out. A mass of voices agreed with the statement.

The officer eyed the pair then walked closer. He cuffed the man but still kept an eye on Spinel. Another two officers came in, once again pulled out their guns and aimed it at her. "Oh, for fucks sake. I'm on your side." She groaned releasing the now cuffed man to the police. She very slowly placed the gun down then held her hands up. "See. Done."

Once the woman was also cuffed and taken away Shinsou stood up and slowly made his way next to Spinel.

"Did either of you use your quirks?"

"No" the pair said in unison.

The policeman nodded "You won't be charged with anything since it was self-defense and didn't use your quirks. I'll have to take you both to the police station for a statement though," He then cuffed Spinel. "Please understand." He eyed her suspiciously.

She nodded, rolling her eyes internally. Ah yes. Cuffed because I held a gun to an attacker's head in self-defense.


If someone told him he would be sitting in the back of a police car next to his handcuffed friend after saving people, Shinsou would probably consider putting you in a mental hospital. Everything began to sink in once he gathered his thoughts. He looked over to Spinel a little surprised by her reaction. She was looking at the cuffs frowning slightly before she pulled out a bobby pin. At first, he thought she planned to pick the lock, but she seemed to change her mind and return the pin to her hair. There was panic in her eyes even though she didn't outwardly act that way.

Spinel looked at the cuffs keeping her wrists together.

She knew that she could get out of them, after all she had practiced before with Giran. That wasn't the issue though. She would be leaving Shinsou behind if she escaped and she couldn't do that to him. That would be the ultimate asshole move. She could be an asshole, but not to her friends, so she sat there as her thoughts spiraled darker and darker.

It felt like an invisible hand clasped over her mouth, a ghostly feeling of pain unloaded. She felt like ropes were wrapped tight around her chest, the spinning teacups filled with fears going too fast to stop. She wanted to run.

What if I get caught? They'll find out who I am was then send me back there. I don't want to go back. Not now that I have everything I could ever want. Sure, the shower is shitty. But I can live with that. Lying about who I used to be? I can deal with that too. I'm finally free from their chains. I'm finally my own person. I can't say goodbye to anyone here. I don't want to. I can't. If they find me. My life is over. No, it won't be my life anymore. It'll belong to someone who doesn't exist. I don't want to just survive for the rest of my years. Call me greedy, selfish, a villain. Anything. Anything is better than a puppet.

Being a Hero is just a Side Job (Shinsou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now