Hickory Dickory Dock

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It was dark and cold and miserable. Spinel had hidden her backpack a little while ago making sure everything was safe as it could be. She used her quirk to enter the property once more the only sounds being the low voices in the background. There were people this time. Of course. This is a crime lord. It's only natural he has bodyguards around his warehouse. Spinel held her breath as one of the guards walked right past her hiding spot, flashlight in hand.

Thankfully, they didn't detect her presence and moved on none the wiser. She kept to the shadows and clung close to the once red hued metal shipping containers. Spinel decided to take the center entrance. It was obviously the worst possible idea she could have chosen but there was a considerably smaller amount of guards in that direction. Of course, she could have preferred to go through the roof and over the shipping containers. That'd be the smart way to do things. Regrettably, she didn't have the skill set to follow through with that plan. She'd probably fall and die just by climbing one of the shipping containers.

While still a blob, Spinel was able to move with more speed and quiet than she would have been able to otherwise. In her haste she almost bounced into the last guard. Spinel eased back into the shadows reprimanding her carelessness before contemplating her next move. The area was clean, meaning there were no rocks to throw and make noise somewhere else. The man just wouldn't move. It's the guard dog instincts in him. She snickered.

She agonized over what to do for what felt like hours. Maybe if I'm fast enough I could just eat him. I mean sure it was illegal quirk use, but I think I'm already far past that point, considering I'm breaking in and all. As long as I'm fast I might actually have a shot. Spinel swallowed her nerves, the tension building a little too high for her liking. I can do this. It's ok, It's just one dude. One scary looking dude. But still just one person. What about his quirk though? No. stop. There are too many variables already and I'd rather not think of any more to add to the list.

Her pulse was throbbing in her ears, heart palpitating. A moment of calm passed over her.

The guard glanced in the opposite direction for just a second, Spinel took advantage of the small blessing and opened her blob form mouth to devour him whole. She felt the man's struggle, his protests muffled by her goop. There was no air in her mouth so she'd have to wait till the guard lost consciousness before she could even consider spitting the man back out, she didn't want to accidentally kill him. I think five minutes before brain damage. So, I just need to hold him for five minutes. Spinel felt the squirming again, this time more desperate and brutal; in other words, more painful for her. It wasn't long before she could taste the person in her mouth. She hated it. It was one of the grosser parts of her quirk. This man tasted like sea water which caused her mouth to feel like it was drying up. Then again, compared to some other flavors it wasn't too awful.

Come on, come on, pass out already! Much to Spinel's credit she had never kept someone of his size in her mouth, or rather she never really kept anyone in her mouth for an extended period of time. She could feel the movement slow till it was just a limp mass. How long has it been? She decided to hold him in her mouth for just a little longer to make sure he wasn't just fake passed out. She spat the man out and returned to her human shape. He was covered in the black saliva like gunk. "You taste disgusting. I wish I brought some mints with me." She murmured to herself and the knocked-out man. She dragged him behind one of the shipping containers with much more effort than she was prepared for. She psyched herself up once she saw the entrance.

Spinel opened the door just a crack, entered the building then carefully shut the door behind her. There was little light coming through the windows, but, at the very least there was just enough to see the rough outlines of the crates clustered together. I have to find the documents in here?! She cried internally. Come on Giran why would you do this to me? The room smelt musty and rather old considering this was supposed to be a well-used warehouse. Spinel melted back to a blob as she made her way around the perimeter of the interior. It was a lot easier hiding now that everything was dark.

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