Purple Hyacinth

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"Oh? Is no one here yet?" Himiko looked around bewildered.

Dabi walked through the shrubbery and toward the meeting point. "Shut up, I'm here." His voice was more gravelly than usual. He cleared his throat. "Did you get the blood?"

"Yep! And you know what else?"

Twice was the one to answer this time. "I don't care! - What else?"

Himiko giggled "I made new friends, saw a boy I'm interested in and I even reunited with my bestie!" She squealed as she twirled around before stopping suddenly with a pout. "Though I am a bit sad I couldn't find her again. I wanted her to join us."

"You're too loud. Shut up" Dabi growled at the pair.

"What's got your panties all in a twist? – Ok, sorry!" Twice asked and answered.

Before Dabi even had a chance to respond Compress landed with three students attached to him. "Tch. Compress get out of the way. I'm in a foul mood." Dabi snarled as he fired a beam of fire right through them. Dabi honestly didn't care if anyone got stuck in his flames as long as the mission objective was collected then they could leave.

The trio of students managed to avoid the blast by splitting off in different directions. "Izuku!" Himiko launched towards him knife in hand. "My name is Toga Himiko and I really really love you" She blushed as she swung her hand down to stab. "Now, let's paint you red!" Shoji arrived in the nick of time and shoved Himiko away.

Dabi calmly strolled up to Compress and held out his hand with a grunt. "Where are they?"

Compress scrambled through his pockets for a moment came up blank. It wasn't that he was angry. Not in the slightest. Rather he was impressed with the six-armed student for taking away the marbles. "Aha, looks like we'll have to go now." He chuckled as three warp gates appeared.

"Bye bye Izu! Till we meet again" Himiko blew a kiss as she skipped through the portal.

"See ya!" Twice called as he dived into his own portal.

And finally Compress began walking into his portal with Dabi. "What about the objective?"

"That?" Compress looked at the students and slightly tipped his hat and removed his mask. "I must thank you for participating in my show, and like many others you too have been fooled." He stuck out his tongue revealing two marbles. Just as the pair were to leave a sparkly laser shot him Compress's mask off and caused him to spit the marbles out.

"Aoyama!" Izuku called, relieved at the one final chance he gave them.

Shoji reached for the marble on the left.

He caught it.

Shouto reached for the marble on the right.

He was too slow.

A scarred hand snatched it right before Shouto managed to grab it. Dabi smirked and held out the marble "How sad, Shouto." Compress released the marble revealing Bakugo. "Ah, look at that." Dabi held tight to Bakugo's throat as he pulled him back into the inky abyss. "We completed the mission after all."


That night, every single hero and student lost so completely to barely a handful of villains.


Out of six pro heroes, one was in serious condition after receiving a hard blow to the head, one had lost a lot of blood and was unable to be located.

Out of forty students, fifteen were unconscious and in serious condition from the gas, eleven others were injured -major and minor alike-, thirteen were uninjured and one was missing.

Being a Hero is just a Side Job (Shinsou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now