Ashtrays over Flowers

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Much to her dismay the entire time she walked through the city she didn't manage to catch even a glimpse of any heroes. Perhaps it was her height? The closer she walked to the motel the less magical the city became. The unprosperous inner-city suburb, low rise terrace containing amorphous mixture of run-down stores and those renovated with newer signs flooded her view. There was an abundance of concrete high-rise towers set back from the road, graffiti covering the concrete walls, betting shops, take-aways and surprisingly a small grocery store. The streets that were once sleek new tarmac were now greyed by the bleaching of the sun; the difference was incredible.

She finally found the building, it was a complete mess, to put it nicely. From outside, the dingy windows, the shabby wood paneling and the peeling door -that was bolted with iron rods mind you- all looked scary and threatening enough to keep away a multitude of visitors. Though I suppose it's exactly the place where one would find a variety of people. Mostly the law-breaking kind. Spinel took a quiet breath psyching herself up before entering. She carried herself with as much confidence and casual authority as she could muster, which was a surprisingly large amount for a thirteen-year old. Act like I belong here, and people will be less likely to bother me. Though I suppose I will be living around these parts before long.

This was not a "chocolate on the pillow" hotel. The receptionist smelled of stale perfume and the tables had ashtrays instead of flowers. It was dingy, dark and cheap. Perfect. Spinel checked in and paid enough for three nights whilst still having a little extra money for any additional items she may need. She held out her hand and the keys to room two hundred and eight were tossed into them.

Much to her relief the room was a lot nicer than she had expected. To be quite honest, it was almost too nice for what the place looked like outside. I guess those three-star reviews had some truth to them after all. Spinel, of course was skeptical of the reviews especially when she saw the building entrance and lobby. The bed looked to be made with cheap stripped pine with their rough exterior, the surprisingly nice mattress sat snug on the frame as she gave it a prod. It was reminiscent of the economy section of some clapped out train carriage. After she placed her stuff down on the seat in the corner, she went to check the bathroom. It was so small that only one person could stand in the room at a time, unless, someone actually stood in the shower itself. The walls were a busy mosaic of white and blue which overall didn't look as cheap as she originally thought. The best part however, was that it was clean. Great, smells like bleach and disinfectant. Spinel thought, not quite sure if it was meant to be sarcastic or not. She walked back to the main living space of the room and sat on the bed laying out all her items. "One set of clothes, my rain jacket, laptop -with the charger, naturally-, a few cans of soup, a couple containers of medicine, a mini first aid kit and finally the new addition, the teriyaki lunchbox. Spinel took out the matching cat charm she gave to the purple haired boy. I wonder if he kept the other half...

Spinel emptied out her pockets next. There was a jumble of coins and a small amount of cash in one pocket and the new phone in the other. Taking the cat charm, she attached it to her phone securely making sure it wouldn't fall off as it dangled. She smiled to herself. It's cute. Spinel repacked all her items and decided that she would do all the other important stuff tomorrow. Today was a travel then relax day. As she leant back on the bed she held her phone and charm over her face. Her charm was 'C' in the 'lucky' series. It was a small calico cat poking out of a baby pink jar both paws up and eyes closed in a cat smile. A tiny pink bell was at the top attached to a red keychain string. The whole charm -minus the string- was the size of her thumb and she had small hands. The 'Lucky' series was supposed to bring good fortune if you managed to collect all five. Spinel herself had only managed to get her hands on two and not from lack of trying. The charms were just so hard to find. I'd like to think that even just getting one of these charms would provide a little bit of luck. Even if it is the smallest amount possible, periwinkle and I seem like we could use every drop we can get our hands on. Spinel rolled to her side. "Maybe a nap. I'm so tired. I'll do stuff later" she snuggled under the clean white sheets and closed her eyes drifting off to sleep.


Shinsou sat outside under a tree in a secluded area after school had finished. It was the same as every other day. Ah. No, it wasn't. that girl I bumped into earlier was new. He fished through his pockets and took out the charm, he finally had the chance to examine it closer. It was a brown cat in a round purple jar with an uncanny grin on its face. The little purple bell on top jingled as he attached it to his phone using the red keychain string. "The 'Lucky' series was it?" Shinsou murmured quietly to himself as he searched it up on his phone.

Phone charms by NekoFever: The L.U.C.K.Y Series

Designed by NekoFever this new line of charms is seriously pawww-some!

Each letter represents some breed of cat some big and some small. There are only 10 full sets of the 'Lucky' series released into the public making the owners of the full set truly lucky! Each charm of the set has been made to be unbreakable no matter what it's exposed to. So never fear for you can use it outside without any problems! Even if you don't manage to find the full set just having one of the five and bringing it around with you will provide you with a smidge bit of luck. Here are the featured cats!

L: LaPerm's Energy

U: Ural Rex's Caution

C: Calico's Luck

K: Kanaani's Affection

Y: York Chocolate's Friendship

That's all for our collection. Thank you for your continued support! Have an aMEOWsing day!

Shinsou closed the site and turned off his phone screen. He once again examined the cat. So, I have K... Kanaani's Affection. Shinsou sighed then flicked the small charm gently letting the bell jingle only the slightest amount.


Spinel stirred before she woke up to the buzz of her phone's alarm. "Ugh turn offffff, stupid alarm" She groaned looking at the time, it was four in the morning. "Why the hell do I have an alarm set at four a.m.?" She half growled half mumbled into the pillow. And why is it so damn cold? Spinel curled up in a ball under the blankets to warm herself as much as she could.

It was seven a.m. when she woke up again. Then it hit her. The events of yesterday. What she had done. She bolted upright in the bed no longer in the mood to sleep. Rubbing her eyes, she picked up her phone, the cat charm letting out a little ring. There was no television in the room, so she looked through her phone instead. She scrolled through the news feed from the little town she used to live in.

MISSING: Quartz Brookhart


Age: 13

Last Seen leaving the house before school, if anyone has any leads please contact the police station at (632)-560-2292

This is really happening isn't it? This is it. For once in a long time, Spinel's mind was empty. The incessant whispering of her thoughts were pushed down. "I ran away." Spinel knew what she had done. She had planned it all, from the beginning to the present. However, planning and actually doing is what makes the real difference. Her family must have read the letter she left on the bed by now. They should have seen her stuff already. She just...they just... Spinel wasn't sure what she was feeling at that moment in time. Guilt? Fear? Anger? Sorrow?

No. I know what this feeling is...It's relief. A single tear slipped onto her cheek. Her voice was barely above a whisper when she spoke to no one in particular and with no one but herself as a witness. "I'm free."

Being a Hero is just a Side Job (Shinsou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now