Major NPC

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"Hello, young heroes. It may be presumptuous of us, but we have let ourselves into UA. All Might was supposed to be here. Was there a schedule change we weren't aware of?" The mist found its way towards us, slowly gliding and expanding with a chuckle. His misty eyes glowed yellow.

Yep, this is totally him. Kurogiri. The guy at the game store. Spinel recognized his voice and his appearance, after all there weren't that many mist people out there in the world with glowing yellow eyes. Part of her wondered how he became a villain; the other part had already accepted that he was a villain and they needed to fight him. She looked around to her classmates for some kind of response, only to find most of them petrified by Kurogiri's form alone.

Under her breath she whispered to Iida. "Run back to campus and get backup from the other heroes"

Iida looked at her like she was crazy. "No, I can't just leave you all here. what kind of hero would that make me?"

"Iida." She pleaded

"I don't want to just leave you all here"

Thirteen prepared to activate black hole when, out of nowhere Kirishima and Bakugo leapt forward, quirks activated to attack the mist. A puff of smoke and dust flying in the air from the explosion.

"Right now, your mouth is more mobile than your legs. Fucking go get a teacher or we will all die. We don't have time for this." She growled shouting at him. She turned to Kurogiri. SHIT.

Kurogiri reformed again with no evidence of damage "Ah, that was dangerous." The silver braces on his body glimmering before they were hidden again. "Now then it's my job to scatter you all and torture you to death."


Spinel fell through the gate and towards what looked like a pit of fire. Ah look, its hell. She flailed midair and managed to grab the edge of a mostly not on fire building and hit the wall with a thump. She winced as she clambered up the ledge to the roof. It wasn't a very tall building, but the fact that everything around it was on fire and everywhere was hot and red made it all the more fear inspiring. The conflagration zone -if she remembered correctly- was located somewhere southwest of the map, it was supposed to be an urban cityscape but like constantly on fire. Parts of the concrete crumbled off revealing reinforced steel rods and bars. Spinel shuddered as they glowed red. She backed away from that particular side before she tried the others. Thankfully she was greeted with a clear side.

Spinel clambered down the building and landed safely on the ground. She didn't see anyone else around with her or at least in her general vicinity. That's when she remembered. Eraserhead. He was in the center fighting multiple villains alone. The odds were horribly stacked against him. She cursed under her breath as she ran towards the center plaza. She didn't bother actually trying to find out if any of her classmates were there with her, she didn't care about them as much. The people she did mildly care about could hold their own pretty well. She trusted Aizawa as a teacher and as a hero. She had respect for the man considering that over the course of a year when she was doing her mandatory jobs, she would see him patrolling the more unsavory parts of the city and actually doing something about the crime rates where she lived. Fortunately, she was at the edge of the zone and was easily able to run towards the center plaza.

Spinel couldn't just let her favorite hero and teacher die.


Ojiro landed on his feet as he hit the ground. All he could see was fire and red. He was in the conflagration zone and as described everything was on fire. "Hey! Guys?" He called out for his classmates, getting no response. What he did get however, were a group of villains. Ojiro ran towards them and flipped midair to hit the villain square on the head with his tail, once he touched ground again, he swept the other villain off his feet.

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