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"All Might, are you sure?"

"Yes, Midoriya, my boy. There is something about her that seems a little off. As much as I don't want you to be on guard against your classmate, I fear she may be associated with villains." All Might rubbed his forehead "You said it yourself, she knew about my other form. What if she knows about One for All too?"

Midoriya frowned a little. He didn't want to think the worst of his classmate but at the same time this is All Might. He is the number one pro hero. The chances of him being wrong are slim to none. Midoriya nodded reluctantly. He wanted to see the best in people, to believe in them. "I'll do my best then"

-----ON THE WAY TO USJ------

Iida was taking his role as student rep well. Apparently, after the big alarm fiasco Iida did something as an exit sign guy. Spinel mourned over her missed opportunity, she could have seen it and taken a quick picture of it.

Iida took out a whistle, "Everyone please line up by-"

She wasn't about to tell him that the type of bus they were riding didn't have paired seats so instead Spinel interrupted him with "Line up alphabetically according to your seat number!" She called out. A mixture of quiet laughter and confused expressions responded. They were at least on civil terms now but since he didn't stop putting his nose where it didn't belong, she continued with a little dose of mischief every now and again.

Iida lamented as soon as he saw the bus's interior. "I didn't know it'd be this kind of bus"

Spinel almost felt bad for the guy with how disheartened he seemed; she quickly dismissed the idea. Spinel found herself seated opposite Midoriya on the bus.

"I tend to say whatever is on my mind." The frog girl started "Midoriya."

"Um, uh, yes Asui?" Midoriya responded holding back a stutter.

"Call me Tsu." She paused for a moment as Midoriya nodded in response. "Your quirk is like All Might's"

Spinel froze. She's not wrong... Spinel observed Midoriya's flustered reaction. Quirks are a little tricky like that. Kirishima piped up and reasoned that All Might didn't get hurt whenever he used his quirk and that seemed to sate her curiosity.

Spinel however, entertained the idea. Tsu wasn't wrong in her observations now that she thought about it, both quirks would be pretty much identical if Midoriya didn't injure himself. But Aizawa-sensei said that it was because he couldn't control his quirk. So, if that is the case then does that mean once Midoriya learns how to use it then he won't get injured? Spinel furrowed her eyebrows. She remembered seeing Midoriya on the roof talking with All Might. She remembered All Might crushing the little green bean's dreams. He said it was impossible to be a hero without a quirk. So why was Midoriya still a fanboy? And why did Midoriya have a quirk? "Izuku. Can I call you that?" She asked, testing the waters.

He turned bright red and stuttered out a 'yes'

Spinel hummed and nodded, "So tell me, how did you find out about your quirk?" She gave him a knowing smirk, her eyes glinting with suspicion.

"It must be nice to have a quirk like that. You can do all kinds of flashy stuff." Kirishima pouted as he activated his quirk causing his skin to harden. "Mine isn't really all that flashy"

"Kiri, your quirk is really cool," Spinel insisted. The nickname was a new addition to their friendship.

"Yeah. It could definitely be a pro's quirk!" Izuku added.

Eventually everyone -baring the resident pompom and icicle- joined in on the conversation comparing levels of flashiness, strength and practicality.

Being a Hero is just a Side Job (Shinsou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now