UA Entrance Exam

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"I'm off!"

"Wait! Wait!" Dabi called, pulling Spinel back briefly. He passed her the leftover takeout in a small lunch box and a bottle of water. "Ok, all set. Knock 'em dead Munchkin. Don't forget to be nice" Dabi grinned mussing up her hair.

"That's impossible because of what you taught me" Spinel giggled before she wrapped her scarf around her neck and took off to UA. During the months that passed while she was training, Spinel's frame really filled out. She had more muscle on her making her look lean rather than twig like. She didn't really grow taller but with Mitzi's help she stood straighter giving her a couple extra centimeters.


She took a moment to take in the scene as she stood in front of the huge gates. Oh boy... if I make it in, I'll be walking through these gates every school day. She shook her head No, don't get ahead of yourself. Just focus on passing the test. Spinel gulped audibly as she began to walk in.

"Excuse me! You there!" A serious looking boy with glasses called out to her getting her attention. "What you are wearing is not appropriate for this entrance exam! You look very unprofessional. You have many piercings showing and you aren't wearing your school uniform." He moved his arm chopping the air like a robot, a stern look on his face.

She looked down to what she was wearing. She had a long black shirt with an unamused white bunny in the center, the words under read 'But did you die?' combined with her pastel teal and pink scarf. Her galaxy themed leggings and neon yellow converses finishing the look. She snickered, Imagine I showed off my tattoo. "I don't see anything wrong with what I'm wearing. They didn't put a dress code."

"But you should have worn your school uniform"

Spinel was getting a little irked at his persistence but continued to be as polite as she could stand, for Dabi's sake. "I'm homeschooled so I don't have a uniform" She smiled, honey dripping off her words.

The glasses boy paused for a second thinking "Your piercings aren't appropriate."

Spinel took a deep breath to keep her voice even. "Listen. What I'm wearing does not in any way affect you or the other participants. I really don't understand why you are bothering me before the exam." She smiled ruefully speaking just a little louder for only the closest people to hear "Is this how you plan on taking out the competition? Pregame shit talk? Now that's a real low-level villain thing to do. I was just minding my own business." She lowered her voice so only the boy could hear. "Now get out of my way or I'll make it so you won't be able to take the test." Spinel brushed right past him with her hands in her pockets and lazily strolled to the testing location.

The written exam wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. Spinel knew she wasn't going to score super high on it, but she was confident that she had passed. As she walked to the physical portion of the UA entrance exam, she could have sworn she saw a familiar puff of purple hair. Nah, no way.

"ALRIGHT! Hey little listeners! Can I get a YEEEAHHHHHH!" The voice hero Present Mic all but screeched into the mic with seemingly more enthusiasm than everyone else in the room.

"Yeah." Spinel deadpanned weakly. She didn't reply that loudly but being the only person who responded her voice could be heard clearly throughout the room.

"Thanks, little listener! Now then it's time to explain the test. All of you will be split into different sections for your test. It'll take place in a replicated city and you will be fighting robots that have been assigned different points. You can either destroy or immobilize. There are four types. One pointers are the easiest to beat, two pointers are a little harder and three pointers have the highest difficulty level. Everyone following so far?"

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