Mitochondria is the Powerhouse of the Cell

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Spinel awoke to the sound of vehicles and the light shining through the blinds. She was on a bed? Ah, I probably fell asleep after crying. Her eyes stung a little from her tears and the bright light. Spinel sat up and yawned as she stretched. He's probably going to kick me out after today. She played with her spider bite hoops on her lip as she tried to think of what to do next. I have no money, no place to stay, no skills, nothing to offer. What I do have is a few cans of food and debt. Lots of it. Only ninety-nine more jobs to go. She leaned forward, head between her arms. She almost wanted to disappear. Maybe they were right. I'm such a failure. I can't do anything because I'm not good enough.


Dabi groaned as he got off the couch, he cracked his body to get all the kinks out. She is probably still asleep. That was quite a night for her. Before Spinel woke, Dabi had decided on his answer. He had spent a majority of his time -that should have been spent sleeping- debating with himself over if he would let her stay if she asked or not. A thirteen-year-old kid is going to have way more trouble surviving out here, especially this one. She seems high maintenance.

"Um... hello?" Spinel's tired eyes found Dabi's teal ones "Thanks for letting me stay." She took a breath. "A-are you going to um...kick me out?"

Spinel looked heartbroken as if she knew the answer and she guessed it to be a 'yes'. Dabi ran his hand through his soot colored hair and groaned. He wasn't sure if she made those puppy dog eyes on purpose or if she was doing it unconsciously. He conceded "No. You can stay... you can take the spare room. Last door on the right."

Spinel's eyes brightened, lively once again. She looked at Dabi like he had personally handed her the moon. "Then maybe..." She started "you could... perhaps...maybe, if it's ok with you..."

"Get on with it, Short Stuff"


Dabi raised his eyebrow at the verbal vomit. "That's not such a bad idea. You can use your brain after all." He could teach her so she could defend herself for whatever she planned to do. "Alright." Dabi paused for dramatic effect. "I can teach you some things. But there are a few which you might need that I can't teach. You'll need to go to someone in the... district for that."

Spinel nodded excited.

"Oh, and I won't just teach you how to fight, I'll also be showing you some questionable but useful skills. Whatever I teach you will be important, unlike how teachers tell you that 'mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell' and that algebra is quote unquote needed in real life." Dabi added grudgingly. "But first. As cute as you look playing dress up as me, I want those clothes back. We are going shopping."

"I have no money though?" Spinel raised an eyebrow, her statement sounding more like a question.

"Don't worry. It'll be part of your first lesson."


They paid a visit to the shopping mall, this time Spinel's amazement dwindled. It's surprising how easy you can get used to buildings like these. A very pleasant difference to the alleyways was that the mall didn't smell like trash and rotting carcasses. Death wasn't a prevalent feature of the establishment. Dabi held out his hand, he was holding Spinel's -now empty- wallet.

Spinel checked around her and gave herself a pat down. That was indeed her wallet. She had sworn she put it in her pocket for safe keeping. "How did you...?"

"Practice, Buttercup." He pocketed her wallet. "Lesson one, Sticky fingers. Now I don't want you to become a kleptomaniac or anything so only use this when you really have to." Dabi stressed the word 'really' just to make sure Spinel understood. He spoke as they continued to walk around the mall looking for one shop in particular. "Pickpocketing is like a magic show. There are plenty of ways to do it, but distraction is a major tool. While your target is busy you can go in for a quick grab."

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