En Route

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"What. You can't just do that." Shigaraki hissed, taken aback. It was an unexpected change to his plans, and he didn't like it at all. He resisted the urge to scratch his neck.

"I can actually." Dabi deadpanned. His posture was relaxed as he stood opposite handyman. No matter how relaxed he seemed Dabi's senses were on high alert. He kept his hands out of his pockets ready to ignite at any moment. He could feel Shigaraki's calculating glare on him, a rather new expression on the man-child.


This was the deal breaker. Dabi knew leaving wasn't going to be an easy task, especially now since Shigaraki had grown from man-child to 'kind of mature' person. Dabi wasn't sure by how much but he could see that much at least. Dabi held his head high and shrugged. "Since Stain was jailed, I thought why not just pick up where he left off. The next hero killer if you will." If Dabi was being honest, he wouldn't mind doing that but at the same time he knew that it would be a fruitless occupation. He was more than content to just going back to odd jobs. At least he got paid more that way. Joining the club of supervillains didn't really put food on the table.

Shigaraki was seething. It took every ounce of willpower not to disintegrate the closest item in the room. He would have considered turning Dabi into dust if he was the old him. Not this time. Shigaraki knew that Dabi was strong. He also knew Dabi could light the whole place on fire and expose them.

The seconds ticked on in silence as he contemplated his next move. What did he want to do? He couldn't just lose a chess piece, especially one as useful as Dabi. Shigaraki took the hand off his face and cradled it carefully in his hands. Red eyes met teal. "What makes you think I would let you leave? What makes you so sure I won't just kill you right here?"

Dabi felt his palms head up just the slightest as he prepared himself. He could feel the hostility coming from Shigaraki, his threat wasn't just some half assed promise. It was deliberate and spoken with every intention to carry it out.

The pair slowly revealed their cards, the pressure in the room was palpable. The seconds passed on like minutes while Dabi formulated a response. "I'm only quitting your little club not breaking up with you" Dabi scoffed, unable to keep himself from spouting his remarks. "If you kill me, wouldn't you be listed as one of the 'top ten worst types of exes'?" Dabi snorted. "If anyone would even consider dating you at least."

Shigaraki's hands itched to disintegrate the rude piece of shit. "I suppose if you do quit, we aren't losing anything other than a smartass." He rasped, as Shigaraki placed the hand back on his face. "And I suppose it's not like you can tell any authorities without going to Tartarus yourself." There was a long pause. The sounds of low chatter and giggles from the red-light district instead filled the waning day. "Hm, since you plan on quitting then leave. You are of no importance anymore."

Dabi raised an eyebrow as he felt a few embers aching to just set something ablaze. There was no way Shigaraki would just let him leave without a fuss. They were all still villains. Villains don't take too kindly to quitters and traitors. "Alright." Dabi deactivated his quirk and shoved his hands in his pockets as he sauntered out as arrogantly as when he first came in.

Once Dabi was out of earshot and out of sight, Shigaraki scratched his neck leaving angry red welts down his throat. "We could always use a new Nomu."


"Pebble, as far as I know your parents will be heading to Musutafu tomorrow morning." Shindou said through the phone. "I'm not sure what you plan on doing, but whatever it is you need to get a move on because they will be in the city soon."

"I-I know. Thanks for letting me know Yoyei" Spinel replied. She was tired and stressed and terrified.

"No problem, believe it or not I do intend to keep our promise. We will both become pro heroes."

Being a Hero is just a Side Job (Shinsou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now