Three Leaf Clover

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"So, Aizawa-sensei is going to continue training you during our internship time?" Spinel asked before she popped another Takoyaki in her mouth. Since she found that Lunch Ruch made some bomb as fuck Takoyaki she would have it whenever it was available. Spinel opened the binder and sighed. She would have to look through all these names and decide on which one to choose after she researched them all. "Mei-Mei, can you look through these for meeeeee?" Spinel whined sprawled over the chairs.

Mei laughed at Spinel's struggles as she continued to make things explode -not on purpose of course. "No can do! You can do it alllllllll yourself" She said in a sing-song voice. "Well, why not let Tochi do it?" Mei had recently started calling Hitoshi by a nickname too after she had pointed out that she didn't have nicknames for either of them. Why 'Tochi' and not 'Toshi'? No one knows except Mei herself.

Spinel sat up suddenly. "I have an idea!" Spinel chirped as she pulled out the binder.

"Oh? The Kitty Cat has an idea? Should I run and duck for cover for now?" Hitoshi raised an eyebrow as he walked in and closed the door, not looking away from the pair.

Spinel pouted up at Hitoshi. "Well, I need your help on this thing." She held up the binder "Can you? You just need to read out the names on the list for me. If it's ok?" Spinel looked up at him with her best pleading look.

Hitoshi looked at the binder then at Spinel. "Fine. Fine." He took the binder and sat next to her opening it to the first page.


"It's finally over" Hitoshi groaned leaning back.

Spinel rolled her eyes playfully, "You didn't even do the hard part."

Mei walked to the pair and gave a bottle of iced coffee to Shinsou and strawberry milk for spinel. "Mei-Mei, I love you."

"As you should." She giggled "So, what did you guys do?"

Well you see, I wrote the names of agencies that were run by heroes with similar quirks to mine or ones that I thought would be useful to train under." Spinel paused. "Well, except two. One is Endeavor's agency and the other is a brand-new agency." She handed her paper to Mei so she could read it.

"Let's see. Endeavor, Snatch, Enigma and Edgeshot. Why Endeavor? Don't you hate him? Wait, doesn't he hate you too?" Mei asked confused as she examined the list in her hands. Her eyes scanned till she was at the last agency. "HeroTown Inc? That sounds suspicious as hell. Who's running it?"

"Elegant Hero."


"Says his name is Tobita, right here." Spinel pointed at the details she wrote down on the paper. Spinel knew the entire agency sounded hella shady. But there was something about it that was a little off. She made a mental note to ask Dabi or Giran to see if they knew anything about that agency.

Hitoshi finished his iced coffee and threw the can away. "Don't go to Endeavor's agency. He definitely has other reasons to request for you." Hitoshi stretched and looked at the time. It was almost time for class.

Oh, Periwinkle. You only know a fraction of it. The flaming trash bag probably wants to question me about Dabi. Well, Touya in his case. She took Hitoshi's hand as he helped pull her up. "Agreed. I don't particularly want to become kindling for his fire." Spinel finished the last of her food and waved bye to Mei as the pair walked to class.

"Make sure you come visit me so I can get working on your hero costumes!"

- ----AFTER SCHOOL-----

To put it bluntly, class was pretty boring. The usual core classes and whatnot. Maybe it wasn't entirely mind numbing, but the pair were more excited for the end of the day. Mei usually ended up staying a little later to make more items, but this time she would be staying to work on Hitoshi's costume.

Being a Hero is just a Side Job (Shinsou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now