Lavender Tea

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Spinel knocked on Nedzu's office door. Normally one would have to make an appointment beforehand, but this was of utmost importance and needed to be dealt with right away. She practically had to drag Shinsou to the office because he kept insisting it was ok and that it would be fine if he went to the nurse's office instead. Spinel however, wasn't having any of that.

"Come in." Nedzu called after hearing the knock "Ah, Rosenthal, Shinsou. What brings you here today?" His beady eyes taking in the pair's disheveled appearance. He had a slight feeling that he knew.

"UA doesn't tolerate quirk discrimination. We are here to report an incident of bullying." Spinel looked around the room to see a couple teachers present. "Oh, sorry am I interrupting something?"

"Not at all come sit. Would you like some tea?" Nedzu asked as the pair seated themselves. "Lavender flavored."

Spinel shook her head "I'm not really a lavender food or drink fan. Thank you for the offer though."

Shinsou also rejected it. He was more of a coffee guy. Shinsou looked at the teachers in the room, His English teacher Present Mic, All Might, Midnight and Eraserhead were all seated in various chairs around the room. Shinsou didn't really openly fanboy but he was pretty close. Sure, pro heroes as teachers were already mind blowing as is but now there was Eraserhead. His idol, His favorite hero was in the same room as him. It was almost enough to forget the actual reason why he was there in the first place.

Nedzu continued to smile politely and nod as Spinel explained what had happened. The surrounding teachers tensed up as they listened to the story.

"My, that is an issue." Nedzu nodded, his face still holding his cunning smile.

"Why didn't you call any teachers" All Might asked

"Well, All Might. I don't have any teachers on speed dial" Spinel snarked.

All Might contemplated "You are a Heroics student you should have known better to attack gen ed students."

"All Might. Sir." Spinel's voice hardened as she struggled to bite back her tongue. "With all due respect. Are you insinuating that I should have walked away? To leave someone in need to fend for themselves against three people, is that what you consider heroic?" Spinel spoke slowly with anger in her eyes but not her voice. "And were you even listening to what I said? They attacked first, not me." She took a moment before scowling at All Might. "If you deem my actions as unheroic and unbefitting of a hero in training, then I would rather be a villain."

All Might shuddered at her declaration. She sounded completely serious.

Spinel looked around the room again, making eye contact with each and every teacher before she pulled out the item in her pocket and placed it on the coffee table. "They tried to muzzle him. There is no way in hell I'd leave my friend to be muzzled like an animal by those filthy scums" She hissed as her voice grew louder. Spinel didn't really call people villains too much since she knew some villains who were genuinely nice but victims of circumstance. But sometimes she considered it.

"WHAT?!" Yamada-sensei exclaimed; his quirk activated.

Aizawa looked at the tired looking boy then at the muzzle. Examining his face closer he noticed there were tiny scars and chaff marks under his ears indicating that this kind of treatment had been going on for a long time. "Shinsou. Has this happened previously?" Aizawa asked carefully.

"Since my quirk came in" Shinsou monotoned. "It's Brainwashing."

Aizawa raised his eyebrow before realizing that this was the miserable purple haired applicant. He looked considerably better compared to when he last saw him but still pretty bad. The boy looked like he needed to sleep for days. Aizawa eyed the muzzle, his quirk activating involuntarily like usual when he was furious.

Being a Hero is just a Side Job (Shinsou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now