Heroes Can Do No Wrong

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"Come at me bitch!" Spinel taunted.

Dabi attempted a well-placed kick to Spinel's side but she managed to avoid it just in time. Not expecting her to be able to dodge the kick, Dabi wobbled off balance for just a fraction of a second. Spinel took this opportunity to dash in close and elbow him in the throat. He tilted his head up just in time, her elbow only managing to scrape his chin. Dabi countered with a punch to the gut before front kicking her away again.

She huffed then spat a speck of blood on the floor from when her teeth nicked her lip. Spinel calmly analyzed his stance looking for any unguarded points. She couldn't find any. I guess I'll have to make one. She charged in again but this time instead of attacking him first, she dragged her hand along the floor and flung some dirt at his eyes. Dabi squeezed his eyes shut and hissed as he was effectively blinded.

This time she managed to land a heavy blow on his gut before she lowered herself to swipe his feet out from under him just as he had on the first day of training. Dabi hit the floor face down as she pinned him with his arm folded behind his back.

Spinel was tired, but she was proud. She had won.

"Fucking hell. That hurt." Dabi groaned.

"Use the environment to my advantage. I remember you teaching me that on the fifth day" She snickered as she released him.

He finished rubbing off all the dirt on his face then ruffled her hair messing up her ponytail. "Good job Munchkin."

Spinel had been training with Dabi and Mitzi for the entirety of nine months. Some skills she learned came to her as if she had always had them, but some skills did not. The most unfortunate skills being hacking and dancing. She couldn't hack because numbers and programming were way too confusing for her and she couldn't dance to save her life, no matter how hard she tried it never clicked. Spinel knew other useful skills -albeit the more unsavory skills. Her personal favorite skill was shit talking. She needed a little more work, but it was getting there.

Those nine months had done wonders for her. She no longer curled in on herself when she sat and now she walked with more confidence in her step and her head held high. She was a little rougher round the edges but that was to be expected after living right next to the red-light district.

"Firecrackeeeerrrr!" Spinel called through the apartment, she had gotten used to calling Dabi by that nickname, though it did take a little longer than she felt was necessary. "Do you wanna go out for lunch today?"

Dabi yawned lazily "Sure. What do you wanna eat?"

"Honestly, whatever. I'm fucking hungry"

"You are always hungry Munchkin" Dabi stretched then stood up. "Let's just wander around for a little to see what is available."


They walked towards the downtown area, pointing out different places to eat. The sun illuminated the shimmering haze of heat, it wasn't all that pleasant to be outside with that much light beating down on the pair. Despite this, the skyscrapers glittered proudly. The hustle bustle of the city never came to a halt. Since coming to Musutafu, Spinel had the pleasure to see all kinds of heroes. Although, some heroes did try to chase and capture her. She couldn't really blame them, they were just doing their job and she was just doing hers. Spinel was finally close to finishing all one hundred jobs. As much as she would like to say that she hated every moment, she really couldn't. Yes, some of the jobs were rough – she had scars to prove that, but some of the jobs were surprisingly easy with her new skill set. Spinel grabbed Dabi's arm and turned him to face her abruptly.

Being a Hero is just a Side Job (Shinsou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now