The Haunted Gym

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Thankfully it was time for lunch. Spinel had fallen asleep through her morning classes much to her dismay. But did she care? Not particularly no. She shuffled over to the cafeteria not bothering to fix her uniform. She was a mess and there was no way of fixing that. She was going to change into her gym uniform afterwards anyway for free period.

As soon as she entered the cafeteria, she looked around for Shinsou. He just finished getting his food from lunch rush when she spotted him. "Periwinkle!" she waved as she made it to his side. "Can we eat outside?"

He was pleasantly surprised that she had not only spotted him right away but also implied they were going to sit together no questions asked. "Sure, if you want. Where?"

"There is this really nice bench under a pretty tree. It's just nice and quiet. With no people." She whimpered. "I just wanna sleep" She looked up at him with puppy eyes.

The whimper alone was enough to convince him but the puppy eyes. There was no way he could say no. "Lead the way."

Spinel led the two out to the bench. It was a little farther than most of the other places, but he had to admit, it was pretty nice. There was just a little breeze making the leaves rustle and it was shaded from the sun. The pair sat in comfortable silence as Shinsou ate. "So, why outside today?" When he didn't get a response, he saw Spinel nodding off slowly, eventually her head rested on his shoulder relaxed. Ah, so that's why she looks like a mess He concluded putting two and two together.

Shinsou kept still so her head wouldn't fall. Even though she looked like a disaster, to Shinsou, she was still perfect. He still hadn't worked up the courage to call her by a nickname, or more specifically the nickname he had given her since they went to the cat café, at least not to her face. He would just have to wait for the right moment. He sighed and looked up to the tree's leaves. "Please hurry up and realize I like you, kitty cat." He put his head on hers, leaning into it. "I don't think my heart can take much more."


During lunch Spinel ended up passed out, her head on Shinsou's shoulder. She blushed at the thought of that memory. Her dreams were getting out of hand, she had dreamt up a melancholy plea which ended up as an indirect confession. From Shinsou no less! Spinel groaned and hid her face in her hands, too embarrassed to even think about the dream. She didn't say she didn't like it, but her dreams needed to chill a little, lest they turn into daydreams.

As soon as the free period started Spinel beelined her way down to the support classroom. "Mei-Mei!" Spinel called out as her and Shinsou walked into the classroom. The room was a little piece of organized chaos. It seemed every surface of Mei's corner was topped with a pile of scrap components, materials and inventions. Though Spinel wasn't sure which inventions actually worked.

"Spinel! Shinsou! Great, you are both here" Mei carefully handed Shinsou Banshee and handed a duffle bag to Spinel. "Your boots and gloves are in there for you to practice if you want." Mei's arms were covered in soot and grease, her clothing not faring any better. Spinel couldn't decide if the marks under her eyes were eyebags or grease. Despite it all she still had bounding energy, though Shinsou suspected it had something to do with the coffee cups and energy drinks on the corner of a less crowded table.

Mei linked arms with Spinel and Shinsou. "Let's go! Onwards!" Mei was loud, energetic and crazy. She never failed to bring an amused smirk from Shinsou's lips and a lazy grin from Spinel's. Though this time her eagerness just amplified the enthusiasm levels of the trio as she practically dragged them to the gym.


"Brainwash me."


"You heard me. I told you to brainwash me" Spinel said with finality. She sighed then added "we need to test and train your quirk. I know you don't wanna use it but at some point, you're gonna have to."

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