Kittens and Bunnies

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"Did you steal that?"

Dabi scoffed, "I pay for things like normal people too." Illegally that is.

Spinel raised an eyebrow, "Do you even have a license?"

"I do now." Dabi held up his card.

"Will I die?"

"Psh, no way. Come on, you'll be late" He gave her a shit eating grin and tossed her a sleek black motorcycle helmet with a teal light stripe then picked up the matching pair. The only difference was that his helmet had a green light stripe.

"Why is it always teal?" Spinel pouted, before she put it on without any other complaint. It's not like she didn't trust Dabi as a driver, but she didn't trust Dabi as a driver. "Time to feel the excitement of total fear" She muttered as she swung her leg over the seat and wrapped her hands around Dabi's middle. "Firecracker, if I die, I'm haunting you."


Come Saturday morning and Shinsou was standing outside a colorful theme park with a cup of the strongest coffee he had. He was so tired. Truthfully, he did have plans for Saturday, plans that involved sleeping in and relaxing. Unfortunately, it was not meant to be. There was no way he would let Todoroki and Spinel out again, even with Midoriya there. What if something happened between them?

He turned his head to the revving sound before it slowed down and pulled up at the drop off zone. The female rider gracefully dismounted and took off her helmet. Oh? That's Spinel, he thought rather surprised. She was wearing maroon jean shorts, a grey shirt with a big cream star in the center, those hideous neon yellow converses and of course, her scarf.

Hitoshi watched as the driver- who he assumed was her brother- lifted his visor up said some parting words before he waved goodbye and drove away.

"Periwinkle!" Spinel squealed as she spotted him.

Despite wearing a helmet, her hair was remarkably undisturbed. "Hey Kitty cat." He gave her a lazy wave before he finished the rest of his coffee. "Brother?"


He didn't really see her brother as the motorcycle riding type from the bits and pieces that he heard, but at the same time, he didn't really know much about him at all. Hitoshi didn't even know his name. The pair chatted away in front of the theme park entrance waiting for the remainder of their party. It was Hitoshi who noticed the pair first, reluctantly he waved them down and both groups converged. He held out his hand. "Midoriya. It's been a while." Hitoshi deadpanned, he was honestly worried about how he would react to him being there, they did fight during the sports fest and Mei supposedly spotted him crying in the locker room.

"Yep!" Midoriya chirped as he took his hand for the handshake. "Oh, and you can call me Izuku if you would like. Spinel and Shouto both call me that." Izuku beamed, his smile could honestly rival the sun.

"Sure, you can call me Hitoshi too, I guess." Hitoshi scratched the back of his neck awkwardly before Spinel saved him from the impending awkward silence.

"Shall we go in?" She gently pulled the bottom hem of Hitoshi's shirt to get him moving. The group walked towards the entrance, Izuku and Spinel happily talked about...something as they entered the park. "Rollercoasters?" She asked everyone. Her eyes sparkling in the sun.


"How do you all have so much energy?" Hitoshi asked with a yawn, his movements sluggish.

Izuku was the one to answer, "Because we all get more sleep in one night than you do in a week."

Izuku wasn't wrong, because of his insomnia Hitoshi couldn't sleep much. Contrary to popular belief, he didn't have the eyebags for a fashion statement.

Being a Hero is just a Side Job (Shinsou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now