To Fight or Not To Fight

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Thousands of thoughts were racing through Spinel's mind. She didn't know what to think. Was she worried? Betrayed? Hurt? Scared? Apathetic? There is no way he would do something of this scale alone. She knew for a fact that she didn't tell Dabi where the class was going, and she also knew that Dabi wasn't the child killing type. So, what did they want? She looked around at the people around her, Ojiro, Hitoshi, Iida, Izuku and the remaining pros. Thankfully she was near the edge, so she silently crept out of sight and into the woods.


"Oh? What's this? Even though class A is supposed to be better, there were five people who failed? Even though there was only one person from class B? That's so weird!" Monoma cackled as he looked at the five who walked into the classroom. Despite his words his hand never stopped moving on his paper

"Has he gone crazy already?" Sero asked as she looked at class B's homeroom teacher. Vlad just shook his head with a shrug. He had no idea but as far as he was aware that was just Monoma being Monoma.

Kirishima groaned as he took a seat behind the blonde. "He said the same thing when he tried to provoke us yesterday. I'd honestly like to know what his mental state is like."

The first thing Aizawa said as he entered the room was not a hello. As per usual he continued his no nonsense attitude, except this time he looked considerably more hobo-ish than usual. "Vlad, can we add some maneuvers to the lesson too?"

Vlad nodded without hesitation. "I was thinking about that too we sh-"

"Everyone!" Mandalay called out using her telepathy, "We have been attacked by two villains but it's possible there is more! Everyone who is able to, return to camp immediately. Do not engage! I repeat, do not engage!"

"Vlad I'm leaving this place to you; I'll go protect the other students!" Without waiting for a response Aizawa ran out of the classroom. Wasn't this place supposed to be a secret? This is bad, I didn't think this would happen here of all places.

"Worried about your students, Eraser? I'm hurt. Why don't you focus on me instead?" A scarred hand was mere inches away from Aizawa's face.

Faster than Aizawa could say anything the hand blazed blue and a blast of fire hurtled directly at him.

"Don't get in the way, pro hero. You aren't the ones we want."


"Pixie bob!" Mandalay cried, she just missed Pixie's arm as her blond friend was pulled back into a giant magnet, hitting the thing face first.

Just before Izuku ran in, Mandalay and Tiger stood in front of him. They were pro heroes; they couldn't just let the kids fight. It was their duty to protect them and that is exactly what they were going to do. Her thoughts went straight to Kota. His parents were killed in a villain attack, she couldn't die here. not after he had already lost so much. Izuku was about to protest before he saw their resolve, they didn't plan on going down, at least not without a fight.

"We are the vanguard action squad of the league of villains!" The green scaled lizard announced, his swept back desaturated hair ruffled in the wind. He had a sleeveless shirt with blue spots and baggy pants along with black shoes and metal knee guards. Covering the top half his face was a white tattered strip of cloth as a mask and an eerily familiar red scarf around his neck. Izuku wasn't sure before but as soon as he saw the huge sword on his back, he knew that this lizard man was a Stain follower. No, a Stain fanatic would be the better way to label him.

Behind the lizard was another villain, but unlike the lizard, her build was considerably more muscular, and her smooth magenta colored hair reached down to her shoulders framing her rather square jaw. "Should I crush this poor girl's head? What do you think?" Her voice was laced with a kind of glee that took pleasure in someone's death. She wore a dark orange shirt and blue jeans, looking incredibly casual for a villain of this caliber.

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