Quest of Beast's Forest

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"It's finally time for the training camp! Aren't you excited?" Uraraka bounced over to Izuku, her face brimming with elation. "You are too right?" She asked Shouto who was conveniently beside Izuku.

"Yeah! We are super pumped about it."

Shouto just nodded as Izuku answered for the both of them. Even if he didn't look like it, he was indeed raring to go. Shouto was just glad Izuku could read him with almost frightening accuracy.

"Oh, what's this? Some students from 1-A failed the exam? Even though they are supposed to be better than 1-B?" Monoma slicked one side of his hair back, a sardonic grin plastered on his face.

Before he was able to say anymore, Kendou swiftly chopped the back of Monoma's neck. "Sorry. It's just how he is." As he hit the ground, she grabbed then dragged Monoma inside the 1-B bus. She wasn't the big sister of class 1-B for nothing.


"The bus will stop in an hour, after that-" Aizawa-sensei looked back towards his chattering students. "Well. Never mind." He shrugged. The only person paying attention to his words was Hitoshi, even Spinel didn't react. Then again, she was asleep on Hitoshi's shoulder so that was a given.

Hitoshi looked on with a mix of dread and curiosity as his teacher didn't finish his announcement. "Psst. Hey" Shinsou very lightly tapped Spinel's shoulder in an attempt to wake her up. He kept his voice soft when she didn't respond but instead grumbled something about five more minutes. "Kitty cat, you gotta wake up. Aizawa-sensei said something but didn't finish his sentence and the bus is supposed to stop in an hour" He shook her gently in another attempt to wake her up. This time she slowly opened her eyes and rubbed the sleep out of them. "There is drool on your face." Hitoshi deadpanned.


As promised the bus stopped after an hour and the class filed out. "We aren't stopping for no reason."

"Lock on with these sparkling gazes!" A woman in red began

"Stingingly cute and cat-like!" A woman in blue continued

"Wild, Wild Pussycats!" They finished in unison with a pose.

Hitoshi wasn't sure how he felt about the whole theme they had going, sure he loved cats, but the paw gloves were a bit much for his tastes. Beside him, Spinel stood stunned. Maybe this was all just a dream and she was just so high in the sky that she was seeing things.

"These are the pro heroes who will be working with us during the camp. The one in red is Mandalay, the one in blue is Pixie bob." Aizawa-sensei introduced.

As expected, Izuku finished the rest of the introduction with the enthusiasm that only a true fanboy could achieve. As he was going on about the team and their members, Spinel ever so slowly inched closer to Aizawa pulling Hitoshi with her. There was no way Aizawa would have just stopped the bus to introduce two out of the four pro heroes. There was something else going on.

"We own this whole area and you'll be training at the foot of that mountain. It's nine in the morning right now. You have till lunch to reach it. Kitties who are late don't get lunch!"

Then it clicked. Everyone knew where this was going. It would be hard not to, considering who their teacher was. A quick scramble to the bus failed as the rest of Spinel's classmates were flung into the air with a whole lot of dirt, and over the railings. Some landing more gracefully than others.

Spinel heard Hitoshi mumble a thanks under his breath. The pair were left unscathed as they stood close to Aizawa-sensei. "So, uh. Do we still have to go? Or like can we go with you?" Spinel pointed in the direction of where her classmates would have landed.

Being a Hero is just a Side Job (Shinsou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now