The Place Where Heroes Meet Villains

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Dabi was a bit... well, more than just a bit of a worrier, especially when he heard that Spinel was meeting a hero. As he fussed around her to make sure she was properly hidden he considered tagging along or following her from afar. He quickly dismissed that idea realizing that Spinel would be in the neutral zone and that a hero couldn't just break that rule. She can handle it. She won't be recognized either with the mask and hood on. The only thing that the aforementioned hero might pick up on is her gender and possibly age? Oh, he hoped they couldn't guess her age. Spinel can't be found now. Not after she had started to relax.


"Eraserhead~ Over here." Spinel hailed the hero over to the booth.

"Where is Giran?"

Ah, no nonsense as per usual. Didn't expect anything less from the legendary Eraserhead. "He double booked himself with some unforeseen circumstances." She tried her best to stay composed and her voice nonchalant.

"Who are you?"

"Um, a stand-in I guess?"

"You make it sound like a question, and besides, shouldn't you be home?" Eraserhead questioned. He could hear that she was obviously just a child.

"Shouldn't you be asleep?" Spinel deadpanned right back.

Eraserhead raised an eyebrow at her. "First off, this is my job. And second you sound too young to be in a place like this"

"What do you mean a place like this?" Spinel leant back slightly, daring him to answer the question. This was the neutral zone, the only place where heroes, vigilantes and villains wouldn't be at each other's throats. A place to eat, drink and share information.

Eraserhead knew if he answered her with anything negative, he would probably have the bar owner chasing after him for insulting his establishment. He instead remained silent. It was the only rational option to take.

Spinel smirked knowing she'd won before handing over the USB. "Giran thanks you for your patronage."

Eraserhead stood and left with a nod. Once he was out of the bar Spinel let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding. Well damn, that was more frightening than I thought it'd be. It was like he could see right through me. Spinel silently thanked Mitzi for starting her lessons on the importance of power poses. After waiting at the booth for a few minutes longer Spinel decided it was time to get up and leave. She assumed after fifteen minutes the hero would have given up and gone home, if he was waiting of course. Unfortunately, Spinel was wrong. She had underestimated the hero's tenacity.

"You finally heading home now?"

Spinel turned to face the direction of where Eraserhead's voice came from. Internally, she was freaking the hell out. On the outside however, she managed to remain calm and act unsurprised, "Oh Eraser, were you waiting out here for lil ol' me? I'm honored."

Eraserhead didn't budge. "You should get out while you can. This isn't a place for a kid." He shook his head "You should be asleep, isn't there school tomorrow? You can't worry the people who care about you."

"Eraser, I think you and I aren't quite on the same page here. This..." Spinel gestured around her towards the general area. "This is my home."

"If you mean the streets, I suggest you reconsider. It's too dangerous to be running around at this time. I will escort you home. If you disappear out here, your parents would miss you."

"I'd rather not have an escort." Spinel dismissed, completely ignoring the 'parent' comment.

Eraser frowned ever so slightly. This kid shouldn't be out here at this time, much less working as a broker's assistant. She is too young to be involved in these dealings. It was obvious the girl didn't trust him and usually he would consider wariness to be a good trait, however, he was a hero and it was his duty to make sure all the citizens were safe. It was hard to tell if she was malnourished or not because of all the layers she was wearing, so he couldn't even guess if she was actually homeless or just very skilled at sneaking out.

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