Dates End in Robbery

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The pair were seated in a window booth seat farthest from the entrance. The food was simple and the décor plain, but neither of the two were there for the food. The booth they were in was a fair bit larger than what was needed but it was nice to have the extra space. The place seemed to be fairly popular if the customer count was any indication, the sound of quiet murmuring and the fancy coffee machine were the only sounds in the background.

In Shinsou's opinion it wasn't as good as the cat café, but then again, the cat café had cats and this place unfortunately did not.

"Have you decided on your orders?" A waitress asked. She had a thin scaled tail wrapped around her leg to keep out of the way and a couple yellow scales around her eyes.

"Um, I'll just take the raspberry tea please." Spinel smiled at the lady before looking over to Shinsou.

"Oh, Coffee please. Black."

She giggled "Like my soul" Spinel added in a whisper that only she heard.

The waitress nodded before leaving to the counter.

"Are you excited?"

Shinsou looked at Spinel confused. "Excited for what?"

"The sports festival!"

"Ohhh. I am, but I'm nervous at the same time. To get the chance of a transfer I need to get in the top three. Out of the whole event." He sighed as he looked down at the table running his fingers through his thick hair.

Spinel nodded watching his reaction intently. It was interesting to see the difference between how confident he was yesterday while declaring war and now after the reality of it all set in. "Well, we have two weeks to get you as ready as possible. I'm assuming you don't do very much combat practice or mobility exercises?" Spinel looked once over at his build. He had more muscle than she did when she started practice with Dabi so they could skim over some of the basic drills. "So, here is the plan. For the next two weeks we are given a free period to practice for the festival. We also have access to any and all facilities on the school grounds. But what they don't tell you is that we can use them till eight in the evening. During our free period we will get your weapon from Mei-Mei then go to the small gym in the corner of the school."

"Why that one?"

Spinel answered with a mischievous grin "It's rumored to be haunted. That, and also no one really goes there, so that way when we practice, we won't need to worry about anyone finding out about your quirk. The less people know about your quirk the better."

Shinsou nodded understanding. He was having some slight mixed feelings about the gym though. He didn't like the sound of a haunted UA gym. In the year of quirks, you can never be too certain about what is considered possible and what isn't. "Alright sounds good. What else?"

"Well, there is something I need to confirm first before I say it just in case." Spinel smiled wryly. She would need the help of a certain someone and she knew just how to do it. She just needed to make a convincing case.

Just as Shinsou was about to respond the doors were slammed open. The pair turned to the sudden noise. Both alert and tense. "Nobody moves and nobody gets hurt!" Yelled a man wearing a mask over his head dressed like a ninja stoner. If it wasn't for the gun in his hand it would be hard to take him seriously. It wasn't just some puny handgun either. It was the kind of gun where it's easier to spray than aim.

A spider-like woman threw out an empty duffle bag with one of her spare arms. Her beady eyes flitting around the room. "Put all the money and all the valuables in this bag then hand it over." She threw the bag at the waitress. Everyone in the area was silent.

Being a Hero is just a Side Job (Shinsou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now