Instant Noodles

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"-Why would you give her that one?... No, first off, how did you even find her?... It's still kidnapping... Oh, so you really don't think you have just the slightest soft spot for her?... Ugh... yeah... I'll need to ask her when she wakes up... no, I killed them all...fuck." Dabi hung up and sighed rubbing his face. He turned around after hearing rustling behind him.

"You awake, Sunshine? How you doing?"

Spinel groaned and blinked a few times before looking around. Her body stung and ached, it wasn't a very pleasant feeling. "Where, when..." She rubbed her eyes and was surprised to find that her wrists and forearms were wrapped in bandages. She turned to the unknown voice. What a thrill. She thinks sarcastically I'm meeting all kinds of people today aren't I?

"Can you hear me? Hey, Kid. Kid?" Dabi called again trying to get her attention.

Spinel looked at Dabi and immediately recognized his figure. "Ah. It's you"

"Yeah... It's me" Dabi handed her a glass of water. Spinel took it from him gratefully then chugged it down. Her eyes shifted around to examine her surroundings. It was an apartment? Well, at least the living room of an apartment, if it could be called that. It wasn't totally bad though. Time had performed some irreversible deeds to the interior, unlike the warehouse, it wasn't musty despite its appearance. In fact, it smelt more like the forest and firewood. It looked almost homey, in its own decrepit way. "How are you feeling?"

I'm just glad I'm not yet dead to be perfectly honest with you. But she couldn't say that "I'm good."

Dabi nodded, obviously not believing a single word she said. He rounded the corner of the room disappeared from her sight for a moment. Spinel sat up and groaned. My body does not like that. She stood up carefully testing her legs, the floorboards creaking from the new weight. "Um... thank you. For saving me." Spinel called from where she stood.

"To be perfectly honest with you, I wasn't there to save you specifically, but I am glad I came when I did." Dabi returned and handed her a towel and a set of spare clothes. "I don't really have any other clothes, just use these for now. They are going to be..." Dabi compared his height with hers. "...very big. I was on the phone with Giran just now and he said not to forget the USB."

Spinel nodded taking the items. "Sure thing"

"The shower is the second door to the right."


Spinel found the bathroom and locked the door. Oh boy. I'm alive. She took a deep breath to pull herself together. She looked like a disaster. There were tear stains and a soot caked on her face, her only set of clothes were singed. The burns on her wrists and the stab wound on her forearm only accentuated the look. "And the brand..." she mumbled to herself quietly.

She peeled off her clothes and went to turn on the shower. It wouldn't budge. Spinel knew she wasn't so weak to fail at turning on a shower, so she refused to give up. Her pride was on the line. When the faucet finally gave in, the old pipes began to sing – a chorus of shuddering plaster and brick. The water didn't flow. It sputtered out chaotic bursts of freezing water. She squealed.


After giving her some of his spare clothes, Dabi made his way to the kitchen. He checked the fridge. Beer and leftover take out. He tried the pantry. It was a success. Or at least as much as he could call a success. Instant noodles, the greatest food known to man. He went ahead to the stove to boil some water. What a night. She's like what? Twelve? She shouldn't be around these parts. He contemplated watching the water boil.


A squeal emanated from the bathroom and surprised him before he realized what caused the sound. Ah, she probably found out the shower starts cold. The water finished boiling and he poured it into the cup to let the noodles soak and cook. Dabi walked around the counter to the couch and plopped down, leaning back on it with his eyes closed.

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