Did You Miss Me?

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"Save him? Sounds just like something a wannabe hero would say."

Izuku stood between Kota and the villain. There was no way he was going to let him put even a scratch on the Kota.

"We were told to take initiative and kill you, I'll make sure to do just that, but first. Let's see how you bleed." He leapt towards Izuku; his full arm covered with external muscles. Just in time Izuku managed to put up a block and protect his face as Muscular slammed a fist into him. The punch alone sent Izuku flying into the rock. "Oh yeah. I almost forgot. Do you know a kid named Bakugo? I need to nab him for a job."

Izuku didn't answer, instead opting for silence.

"I'll take that as a no." Muscular went to punch Izuku again but missed once more as the little game of cat and mouse started. The cat and mouse roles finally assigned. "That's ok, that just means we can have more fun." Muscular swung his leg and kicked Izuku back into the rocks. "I thought you said you would save him. What a disappointment."


Dabi put his smoking hand down as he looked up towards his target. "I guess you are a pro, after all" He sighed, sounding like he had lost interest. He held out his other hand to send another fireball his way, but nothing came.

"That won't work anymore." Aizawa wrapped Dabi in his scarf and yanked him closer to knee him in the face and easily pin him. "How many of you are there? Why are you here? How did you find this place?" Aizawa demanded as he kept Dabi face down.

Dabi lay still not really attempting to escape or make any moves in retaliation. "I don't really feel like telling you. Sounds like it'd take effort I'm not willing to spare." He deadpanned. "Why should I even answer you?"

A loud crack sounded through the night. "Your other arm is next."

"How heroic sounding. Say, could you be desperate Eraserhead? What's the rush?" Dabi chuckled seemingly undeterred by his broken arm.

Iida and a few other students burst through the bushes "Aizawa-sensei!"

Aizawa looked up to see Hitoshi, Iida and Ojiro. "Are there any others?"

Dabi took advantage of his lack of focus and escaped from Aizawa's hold. "Hey hero, make sure you protect your kids well. I'd hate it if you were to lose some of them." He grinned like the Cheshire cat as he turned into goop. "Ta ta~"


"Aizawa-sensei!" Izuku called out as he was brought to a sharp halt. "Please take Kota! I know what they are here for! I need to tell Mandalay."

"Wait. Tell her this first..."


Mandalay bobbed and weaved narrowly missing each of Spinner's slashes. He was barely able to keep up as time went on. Spinner was relentless and didn't tire easily.

"You aren't a real hero!" He hissed as he swung his giant sword down ready to cleave Mandalay.

A flash of green lightning faster than the eye could see, rammed into the makeshift greatsword shattering it to pieces. "Kota is fine, but the aim of the villains is to capture Kacchan!" Izuku tumbled painfully into the dirt rolling a couple times. "Please, use your telepathy to tell everyone this. Everyone in class A and class B! In the name of the pro hero, Eraserhead" Izuku yelled as loud as he could to make sure his message came across loud and clear, the pain in his body dulled by his adrenaline and the blood on his face dried. "YOU ARE GRANTED PERMISSION TO ENGAGE IN COMBAT!"

Mandalay looked on in shock for barely a second before she repeated Izuku's message with her quirk. Please be careful, everyone.


Being a Hero is just a Side Job (Shinsou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now