The Show Must Go On

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Before leaving for class the trio had played around with Banshee to work out the kinks. Shinsou had filled out the remaining parts of the paperwork and agreed to Spinel's training offer. "We should probably head out now."

Spinel looked at the time. "Yeah." She turned to Mei and gave her a hug before running off. "Thanks Mei-Mei, you're the best!" Spinel made her way to the classroom, a warm feeling in her chest.

When she arrived of course it had to be at the same time as Iida. She nodded politely in his direction. "Iida."

He returned the gesture and looked like he was going to say something. "While I do not agree with you on most occasions, I will give credit where it's due. You were right about going to get the teachers." With that Iida walked into the classroom.

"Well that was odd" she muttered to herself. Spinel saw Todoroki making his way down the hall to the classroom. "Todoroki!" she called out as she made her way toward him waving.

He returns her enthusiasm with his cold stare hoping to deter his classmate from starting a conversation with him. She ended up walking beside him and started chattering about meaningless things, what does it matter that he prefers ties over bowties? "Hold out your hand." She instructs.

He does as told. A reward a lollipop was placed in his hand. "It's pink lemonade flavored." She gave him a shit eating grin "Because ya know, red and white make pink and lemonade can be considered a tea."

He furrowed his eyebrows as confused as ever. What the hell was this girl getting to?

She tapped his arm before she started to walk faster "I chose it because you're pretty much 'Iced T'!" She started cackling as she entered the classroom and took her seat.

He had to think for a minute before he understood. He groaned. It seemed like most people around him had a horrible sense of humor. As he entered the classroom, he took his seat. Todoroki was certain that they would have a substitute teacher, Aizawa-sensei looked terrible and would probably be hospitalized for a while. He could only guess how bad his injuries were by the fight he had witnessed. One punch from the creature was enough to rival All Might.

"Class settle down. I have two announcements to make."

"Aizawa-sensei?!" The class cried out in unison.

"Should you really be up and about right now?"

"Are you alright Aizawa-sensei?!" Iida called with his hand in the air.

"You call that alright?!" Uraraka fretted.

From his voice and clothing Todoroki could tell the man in front of him was his teacher, however he was wrapped from head to toe in bandages. Some of them quite poorly wrapped as if while -probably- escaping he had to loosen a few of them.

"As you know the sports festival is coming up, despite the recent events we will not be stopping it."

"But isn't that dangerous?" Jirou pointed out

"Villains just came and attacked the school. Is it really time for this?" Kaminari finished for her.

Aizawa shook his head. "The sports festival is not only a good chance to show that UA is undeterred by the recent events but also. Never forget. There are also other classes in this school. This is one of the few events that the support department, general education students and the management classes get to show off their skills. It would be unfair to close that opportunity just because of one class."

"That makes sense" Tokoyami nodded. "We must allow other students in the light for they will not flourish in the shadows of villainy"

Spinel looked to her right to face Tokoyami. She had mixed emotions about this bird headed classmate of hers. He was reserved and very serious, but sometimes he said some strange things sometimes. His quirk dark shadow was quite interesting though, it possessed its own personality and free will. Which led her to wonder. Does Tokoyami have a bird head because of dark shadow? Or does dark shadow have a bird head because of Tokoyami? If anything, Spinel was too nervous to ask just such an invasive question. Especially since they would be sitting next to each other for the rest of the year.

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