Not a Vigilante

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A scantily clad woman stood before her with a winning smile. "Oh hun, you look awfully confused. Do you know your way out?" The woman was dressed in a gold sequined corset tied tightly around her waist and chest, emphasizing her already bountiful curves, a worried expression plastered across her face.

Spinel didn't know what to say or how to react. Spinel's eyes tried to look anywhere other than the woman in front of her. It was hard to look away. The Brunette was beautiful even in the red hue of the streetlights. She had a grey and black feathered skirt -that honestly shouldn't be called a skirt with how short it was- showing off her black garter belt, the stockings attached were no more than mere fishnets. Gold glitter Cinderella heels graced her feet. Those have to be at least seven-inch heels. Even just standing still the woman's mere presence demanded attention, the brunette's outfit just added to the effect.

"Oh um. well..." Spinel sighed defeated "Yeah... I'm lost."

The woman nodded. "I figured as much." Where there would have been silence was instead filled with the sound of excited cheering and wolf whistling. "Well you have just entered the red-light district and it's pretty late. It's not safe to be out at this time if you aren't planning on being a.... working girl. My name is Mitzi. I'm a burlesque dancer here." Mitzi paused for a moment, the poor girl... I wonder how she got here. "Do you need a place to stay for the night? It's nothing grand, but I do have a couch."

Spinel wasn't stupid. She knew what could possibly happen if she agreed. But she also knew what could happen if she decided to walk back through the dark alleys. Choosing what she hoped was the best route she decided to spend the night with Mitzi. "Can I?"

Mitzi nodded, relieved at her answer. "I'll just change then we can go to my apartment."

Well, if I'm dying tonight then it looks like I'm dying in the red-light district. Mitzi led Spinel to a show room that looked to be more glass than wall. Each window showed promiscuous women changing poses, some very compromising positions and others highly suggestive. All the poses left very little to the imagination. Spinel followed Mitzi into the side entrance to the locker room. The brunette took off the black feathered scarf that was lazily looped around her back and arms then hung them in her locker. Spinel looked away as Mitzi started taking off her costume and removing her excessive makeup.


The walk to the apartment wasn't a long one. The apartment itself looked quite pleasant, the outside at least. "So... er... thanks for letting me stay the night."

"That's no problem, I'm just forwarding some kindness that was shown to me years ago when I was your age." Mitzi giggled, it sounded like a wonderful twinkling of bells.

I wonder if she practices that laugh.

"In exchange for staying the night I want you to tell me what you are doing here in the red-light district of all places. You're like eleven!"

"I'm thirteen actually...turning fourteen this year. And like I said I just got lost." Spinel mumbled feeling disappointed in herself. Ah...I made her angry. She will probably kick me out then.

Mitzi sighed and rubbed her temples. "So, let me get this straight. You, pretty much a middle schooler got lost and somehow ended up in the depths of this district?"

Spinel nodded. She probably doesn't believe. I mean when has anyone ever?

"Listen, in the morning I'll lead you out of here. Don't come back to this place again, got it?" Mitzi met Spinel's eyes with her blue ones. "Trust me, you don't want to be here."

Ignoring Mitzi's pointed look, Spinel took out her phone and showed her an address. "Can you bring me here instead? I have an important meeting with someone at seven in the morning."

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