Pretty Women and Bars

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Spinel wished she got more sleep. By the time she got home she only had three hours to spare. She lived about a fifteen-minute walk away from school at an average walking pace, it would maybe take her twenty minutes to get ready. That left her two hours and twenty-five minutes to spare. I could totally sleep two hours. Right?


Spinel woke up with a start and realized what the time was. She needed to get her ass out now if she wanted to be there on time while not wearing pajamas. She got ready faster than she realized she could and made a mad dash out the door. She got all her uniform pieces on thankfully, barring the blazer -she never wore the blazer- and her scarf wrapped haphazardly around the whole bottom half of her face. Her hair was a mess - she didn't have to look at it to know. Her hair would be flying every which way and getting worse as she ran towards school.


Shinsou yawned tired as always. Sunday was a nice day to just unwind and play with his cats. Unfortunately, it was now Monday. Today was the start of the free period. He had two weeks to get himself as ready as possible. He wasn't looking forward to training his quirk, but he understood that he needed to if he wanted to get any better. But where would she even find someone willing to be his test subject?

He made his way to class lazily walking through the halls. It was a pretty nice day outside; the sun was shining with not a cloud in the sky. "Spinel?" He looked out the window and saw a familiar head of pastel color dash into school. She looked like a disaster. It would be hilarious to see her at lunch.


"I'm safe!" She ran into the classroom with three minutes to spare. The class turned to look at her and take in her disheveled appearance. To be quite honest she looked like she had lost a battle in the morning. Which she did. Some of her hair was up in tufts going every which way, she had moved her scarf back to its proper location prior to entering the classroom. Her red tie was undone entirely but she was too lazy to try and fix it. She would like to think the rest looked ok if you ignored her untucked shirt.

"Spinel. Get to your seat. Class has started." Her teacher's voice from behind her monotoned.

She squeaked at the sudden sound then shuffled to her seat. As soon as she sat down, she felt herself sinking on the desk. My seat seems considerably comfier today She thought as her eyes started to droop closed. Just for a second...

- ----MEANWHILE-----

Dabi grumbled as he rolled off his bed. He has heard his little sister come and make a huge ruckus as she left for school. He wasn't really against what she was doing to be a hero, and he wasn't lying when he said that she would be a great hero. There was just this itch of a feeling, this worry that she would be found out. If that was the case wouldn't it be better to just leave her?

He got out of bed with a pounding headache. Today he decided not to take any jobs because he knew he would feel like shit in the morning. He wasn't wrong. The past few jobs he had to do were such a pain. He couldn't even burn everything. Maybe that's what he needed. Stress relief. He was always worried about his little sister and the fact that she is in trouble all the time. Today he could have a day to himself.

He had a light breakfast and got ready for the day. Well, not so much day as afternoon. This time he decided to visit one of the bars he was supposed to go to a while ago, but things kept popping up at the last minute. It wasn't too far from where they lived so it would be fine. Dabi checked himself one more in the mirror shooting finger guns. Yeah. I look good.

When he entered, the bar was full. A mix of sober and tipsy guests crammed on the dance floor. The bar itself curved into the dimly lit room. Smoke whirling through the air. Conversations told in loud voices trying to compete with the music playing from the speakers as a sharp smell of alcohol and perfume lingered in the air. The muted colors of the bottles and the glitter from the light was enough to decorate the walls. As time went on, he felt more comfortable in the crowd, intoxicated by spirits and music.

Dabi sat on a stool and ordered a drink "Rusty nail on the rocks" he placed his money on the counter as he received his drink. He turned to face the center of the bar, his eyes landing on a familiar figure. As lovely as ever, I see. As if sensing his eyes, she turned to face him. Dabi smirked, he knew he had the upper hand. He took a sip of his drink still keeping his eyes on her.

The woman stretched and placed one leg over the other pulling her short dress up a tad higher, her face stayed aloof, disinterested. She would make Dabi come to her. She twirled her hair around her finger playfully.

Dabi watched, their eyes locked as he admired every inch of her that he could see. Two can play at that game. He turned away from her and finished his drink. He placed it back on the counter swirling the ice around. It wasn't long before he felt a body pressed against his back, slender arms wrapped over his shoulders.

I win.

"Daaaabiiiiiiiiiii I've missed you. Where have you been hiding?" She pouted keeping her voice sultry.

"Sorry, baby doll. Things got busy." He turned to face her, this time his hands explored her sides and rested on her hips.

She slipped between Dabi's legs pushing her chest against his, her hands playing with the tips of his raven hair. "Well since you are free now, we can do a lot more than just talk."

Dabi pulled the woman's hips on his, holding her there as his lips brushed her neck. "Oh, is that so? Why don't you remind me? I like when you use your words, baby." He nipped at her ear teasing her.

"Mnmm, but what if I don't want to?" a haze came over the pair. Her eyes dripped with desire. She shuddered slightly as his hands went up her back to play with the zipper of her clothes. The woman lolled her head to one side as she relished in Dabi's touch.

A coy smile crept upon his face. "I guess I'll have to discipline you again, then won't I?" he murmured in her ear. His hands moved her hips gently against his, grinding for just a moment, teasing her. He felt her body quiver as he ever so lightly tugged her long hair, revealing her neck to him. She was always such a good girl for him, every touch he gave her, her body responded accordingly. "Oh baby, you seem so impatient~" Dabi kissed her neck up towards her ear and whispered ever so quietly. "Maybe I should take you right here..."

She shuddered trying to suppress a whimper. Dabi knew how to get her every time. He knew more about her body than she did, and she craved his skillful touch. This man before her screamed debauchery and oozed depravity. In this filled room all they could do was undress each other with their eyes. She gulped audibly to his question. Was she so shameless as to agree? Of course not. But his voice was so sinful it was enough to leave her fluttering. She had no way to respond as he continued to trace his fingers over her, once again exploring the contours of her body.

Dabi dragged his fingertips slowly up her leg to her thigh and dangerously close to the hem of her already short dress, while his other hand began pulling down the zipper. He relished at the way her body moved against his. How deliciously she reacted to just his words. "Is that a yes, baby girl?"

She whimpered at the mercy of his very being "Yes please."

Being a Hero is just a Side Job (Shinsou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now