Missing in Action

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Spinel trudged back inside the apartment and flopped on her face. "Firecrackerrrrrrrrr"

Dabi walked to the living room and patted her head. "I know munchkin, I know."

She pouted. Spinel felt so overwhelmingly average. "Ahhh, never mind, it's fine" she responded.

Dabi seemed to get the message and changed the topic of conversation. "I saw Shouto use his fire. Did you have something to do with that?" he took two juice pouches out of the fridge and handed one over to Spinel.

She took it gratefully and began to drink. "Well, to be honest I-I failed. When I found Shouto, Endeavor had just finished talking to him." She sighed looking at her feet. "I managed to talk with him after though." Her eyes furrowed at the memory. "I slammed your brother into a wall."

Dabi almost choked on his juice as he sat forward looking at her with a mixture of confusion and shock. "You did what?"

"I think Midoriya – the green haired one who fought periwinkle – talked to him first though."

"Oi, Munchkin. Don't just ignore my question. What happened that you needed to slam him into a wall?" Dabi was legitimately worried for his two siblings and had no idea what he would do if they ended up hating each other.

"Well he wasn't listening so I just... made him listen?"

Dabi rolled his eyes and rubbed his forehead. "Don't do that. That kinda stuff is reserved for jobs. You know this. You can't just go around shoving people into walls. Alright?"

"Yes, Firecracker." She finished her juice packet. SHIT. She stood up abruptly and looked at Dabi panicked. "I told him. No, no, no. I told him I knew you. He knows that I know you." She squeezed her hands together; she didn't know what she was going to do. He was definitely going to confront her about it, and she didn't have any stories prepared. OH. FUCK. Spinel's eyes widened before she paced around the room. "Endeavor knows!" She squeaked terrified. "A-And since he knows that I know you then what. I just shouldn't have said anything. God, I'm an idiot. Why would I do something so stupid?! N-now they both know! What'll happen? What if they find you? What if the- "

"Spinel. Stop." Dabi stopped her rambling, she looked like she was on the verge of tears. "It's ok, just relax, ok?"

She nodded and stood still, her lips pursed, and face contorted with worry.

"Listen to me. Did you tell them explicitly I was alive?"

Spinel shook her head. "I mean I told Todoroki that you missed him, but I didn't say you were alive. Endeavor doesn't know either. He just knows that I know your name."

Dabi nodded and pulled Spinel's arm gently back to the seat so she would sit down. It was understandable that she was worried, and he would be lying if he said he wasn't just the slightest bit worried too. Overall however, it wasn't as bad as it could have been. If she had explicitly told them that he was alive that would be another problem entirely. "Listen, if you get confronted by either of them, just say I died. The story is, you knew me a few years ago but as far as you know I died somehow. Sounds good?"

Spinel nodded and relaxed back on the chair, her nerves at ease. That definitely made sense and it wasn't too hard to remember the story. She didn't really have Shouto's number so it's not like she could send a quick text telling him to meet her somewhere. She froze mid thought. "Hey, Firecracker. Do you still remember the address of the place you used to live?"

Dabi tilted his head left then right a few times thinking. "Hm, yes I believe so. Why?"

"Because Endeavor works during the day which means I could just pay the Todoroki residence a visit and ask to see Shouto!" Spinel grinned at her brilliant plan. Yes, there were many other variables but if she timed it just right then the oldest female sibling would answer the door while Endeavor was out. What was her name again? Ah, Fuyumi. Spinel could convince one person. and if he wasn't home tomorrow then she could try again the day after. She knew she could just talk at school, but she didn't want to wait that long, and she assumed neither did he.

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