It Matches your Eyes too

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It took a while for the pizza to come so they had decided to watch a movie to pass the time.

"Hey Dabi?"

"Hm?" he grunted as they both watched the movie; it was apparently a 'classic' and Dabi was mock offended that she hadn't seen it.

"Thank you for today. It was super fun." She smiled almost bashfully before she shoved another bite of her pizza slice in her mouth. The cheesy goodness was game changing she dare say. She wanted more but was she allowed more?

"You're welcome" He noticed her staring at another slice of pizza "You know, you can eat more if you want." Dabi didn't say much as he watched her take more. What kind of environment did she have growing up that she feels the need to ask permission for everything? Ah, like that time with her old clothes. Looking back on it now... it was obvious she didn't want to throw them away, but she still did anyway. He looked toward her again, concern etched on his features.

Spinel's eyes lit up as she grabbed another slice and chomped on it happily. She thought back to the events of today. She didn't really feel guilty for what she did. I'll just think of it as a charity donation for a good cause. The cause being my clothes. They both went back to watching the movie as they ate, the silence was comfortable.

Once the movie finished, they stood up and stretched, the pizza finished long ago. "Um... can I show you what I bought?"

Dabi would be lying if he wasn't curious. From what I can gather she has never been allowed to choose anything for herself. So, I wonder what she picked... He nodded, "Alright."

Spinel disappeared in her room for a moment and came back out wearing a combination of clothes she bought.

It's pastel goth. Oh god. Dabi looked at her up and down and pinched the bridge of his nose, eyes closed. "Why? How? What?" He groaned.

Spinel came in wearing a pastel pink off the shoulder sweater showing off her tattoo, it had a solid black bunny head printed dead center. Like her previous outfit the sweater reached down to her mid-thigh and the sleeves were long enough to hide her hands. To complete the look she wore black leggings with a lace print. Wait, is that actual lace?

"There were a lotta things and I didn't really know what to choose." She shuffled in place a little as she pulled out the other clothes, all of them similar in style and color. There were a couple black shorts and thigh socks – all of them had some kind of theme or print on them. There was one skirt. However, it was also black. "The first things I chose clashed a little too much, even for me. I decided on a style then I ended up coming across these" She gestured to the spread of clothing. "My only reference for clothing style is you. So, um... it just turned out like this."

Dabi wasn't sure how to react. He let out a long whine. It was my fault. What have I done? "When we stand next to each other everyone is going to think that I, as the older one, have been a bad influence on you."

"But you have though?"

"That's not the point."

"Mhnnnnnn sure it isn't" Spinel chided with a coy smirk on her face.

Dabi narrowed his eyes at her a little.

"Fineeeeeee. I won't argue with my big brother." There was a pause as she realized what she had blurted out, her eyes widened. "Ohmygoodness I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. It's just, it kinda seemed like that, but I've never had a big brother so...I guess I really wouldn't know or anything. Just ignore what I said. Sorry, I should have asked first."

Dabi was taken aback at the offhand comment before he processed what it meant. He watched her freak out then ruffled her hair with a smirk. "It's alright. I guess now I have a little sister." A beat. He took out a gift-wrapped item, the paper was white with a pink ribbon holding the package closed. She examined the gift. There was a little note on it.

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