I Am Here!

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 Just before as his hands connected with Tsu's face Eraserhead erased his quirk just in time. Time sped up again in relief. Tsu was able to safely pull Izuku out of the Nomu's grasp with her tongue.

"You're so cool Eraserhead!" The man croaked yet his voice was surprisingly genuine.

Spinel's yoyos managed to wrap around the man's foot. She had no problem slicing off limbs. In a real fight prepare to lose everything. She yanked once again secretly hoping to sever that foot, but she wasn't able to, her strings went slack as she ran closer. What she was able to do though, was drag him a few meters back before she rewound her yoyos. "Eraser!"

The Nomu turned back to throw a punch at Aizawa and finish his original job. As much as Spinel would have loved to use her yoyos to pull Aizawa out of the way she was far too close for that to work. So, she did the only thing she could. She skidded to a stop in front of Aizawa and held her arms up to block her head and face from the incoming impact.

Spinel wasn't used to blocking attacks. She was more proficient in avoiding them so when she blocked successfully the pain spread through her forearms and her hands went numb. Spinel was sure she had heard a nasty noise come from her arms somewhere, but she wasn't about to check it now. If she could move her arms, then it wasn't too serious...yet. Spinel shifted forms and attempted to take a chunk out of the Nomu. She felt it struggle in her mouth, an assortment of different tastes blended together. That's when she realized her mistake. The creature probably didn't have to breath considering his lack of nostrils and even if it did, the super regeneration would fix up the problem. She gagged almost letting out the Nomu as it gripped the insides of her mouth scratching and ripping.

She whimpered as she spat him out after a minute and a half unable to keep him in any longer. Once she shifted back to a human blood started to trickle out the corner of her mouth. She let out a slew of curses and hissed at her wounds. She hacked up more blood as her mouth turned an unsettling shade of red. She stepped back a little causing her to hear a quiet slosh. She knew what it was. It was blood.

Aizawa's blood.

The Nomu pulled his hand back once more to a punch. Spinel shifted and did what she could, she scooped her teacher into her mouth and just managed to dodge. She spat him out carefuly then returned to her original shape. Frankly Aizawa looked like shit. His arm was bent out of shape, he was covered in black goop and his face was bloodied. His eyes were closed.

The Nomu took another step closer.


The USJ's doors were slammed open revealing the standing figure of All Might.

"All Might!" A mixed number of voices exclaimed.

Spinel may dislike the man but at this very moment in time she was so glad that he could finally make it to the class he was scheduled to teach.

All Might walked slowly towards the bloodshed. Each deliberate step he took the villains took a step back. With his mere presence alone everything in the room came to a standstill. Since he started his talk with the principal, he had had a bad feeling that something might have happened. All Might was glad he didn't dismiss it.

"It's fine now." All Might ripped off his tie in preparation for battle. "I AM HERE!" This time however, he was not smiling. No, this time anger shook through his system in a glare.

"Ah! the pre-event has been completed and the boss has arrived. Welcome All Might." Handyman opened his arms in a welcoming gesture. "Welcome to the game."

The small-time villains backed up, none of them having the courage or stupidity to attack. Faster than a blink All Might had dispatched all of the villains without a hitch. All Might paused beside the unconscious Aizawa and Spinel clutching the injured hero's arm. One moment the pair were in the center and the next they were back at the stairs.

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