Mad Banquet of Darkness

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"How are we all going to train our quirks?"

"Yeah, there are twenty of us, all with different quirks"

The 1-B teacher better known as Vlad king led his students through the trees "Quirks are like muscles; the more you train the stronger they get. So just like with muscles we need to push the limits and use our quirks as much as possible." Once they reached the clearing class 1-B looked on in horror at the scene unfolding before them.

Bakugo repeatedly plunged both hands into boiling water and took them out to fire the biggest explosion he could with his expanded sweat glands, each explosion was followed by a cry of outrage.

Shouto stood submerged in water up to his shoulders and alternated between ice and fire to keep the temperature of the water warm. The ultimate end goal was to see if he could use both at the same time.

Izuku trained with Tiger, the fourth member of the Wild Wild Pussycats. There were an awful lot of 'yes sirs' and grunts coming from that direction which was more than enough to describe how physical the training was.

Spinel, Sato and Momo were all part of the 'eat everything' group, however while Momo and Sato ate all kinds of desserts, Spinel on the other hand was fitting as many things in her mouth as she could, trying to chew then spitting out the remains before she repeated the cycle - while in blob form of course.

Hitoshi practiced his brainwashing on Pixie Bob -the blue cat girl- after she had finished making appropriate training sites for all the students. He was hesitant at first but his desire to practice won out and he accepted. Hitoshi started with just simple commands like jump and sit before he needed to make them as complicated as possible 'make a sculpture of a tree with your quirk.' being one example.

Iida, as expected just ran. And ran. And ran.


By the end of the day all the students were tired and hungry. "For dinner there is something very special for you!" Mandalay led them to an outdoor cooking area before she turned to face the kids "You will be making your own food! We said we would only feed you on day one! So have fun!" She giggled before gesturing to the pile of ingredients on a prep table.

Spinel looked at the pile of carrots, potatoes, onions and what looked like a curry base. Spinel's stomach growled, she wanted to eat or even taste something other than water and dirt. Spinel wasn't the most talented in the kitchen, sure she could make some basic things and a few desserts but she had never tried to make curry, briefly she wondered if she would be allowed to just eat the vegetables raw, that was until they started placing people in groups. Spinel was placed in a group with Hitoshi, Monoma and Kendou. She thanked her lucky stars that when she joined Monoma, Kendou was already there to keep him in line. Were they a cute ship? Well, if Spinel was a fangirl which she totally isn't. But pretending that she is, then yes, she would ship them.

"I'm Rosenthal, but please call me Spinel" She introduced herself to Monoma and Kendou. She gave them a small wave and a smile.


Spinel nudged Hitoshi to give a little more at the very least. He sighed internally as he continued. "I'm Shinsou, I like cats and don't know how to make curry" He gave Spinel a side glance before he turned back to his fellow group members, "Spinel doesn't know how to make curry either"

"I can at least cut the ingredients!" She protested.

Before Spinel had a chance to say anymore Kendou piped up. "I'm Kendou and this here is Monoma! It's a pleasure to meet you both. Oh, and don't worry about the curry, I've made some before. As a team we can help each other out."

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